
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Still stitching..............

I'm still hand stitching the binding on the pastel 16 patch quilt and I'm a little over half finished.  I'm really loving this binding fabric.

A friend came over to sew yesterday and I sewed on my basement studio project, my Blooming 9 Patch most of the day.  I'll show it when I get farther along on it.

Last night I sewed 2 more partial rows on the Australian triangle quilt.  Then I realized I had row 2 on top and row 1 below it so I unpicked the long seam and sewed it back together the right way.


  1. Sounds like you had a productive day. It is crazy that even though we have sewed for many years, we can still sew together things incorrectly. LOL!!

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing the blooming nine patch.

    Stay safe this icy morning.

  3. I forgot what I was going comment after reading the above ! I've seen her/him comments before, and I've wondered if you knew how to translate their comment ?

    I too love the binding on your 16 patch pastel. And I'm assuming the fabric is a dream to hand stitch, also.


  4. The binding looks like it was painted for the quilt- it complements it so well.

  5. The pastel quilt looks so soft and inviting! It will become a great throw or couch quilt, immediately ready to keep somebody happy and comfortable! Sometimes quilts need a little time before they become that soft and comfy, they can be much “stiffer” at first, due to the new fabric or the quilting?

  6. This one is pretty, dreamy, and so wonderful --


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