
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Binding chosen.......

I actually got busy earlier in the day yesterday and chose my binding fabric.

I got it sewn onto the quilt by late afternoon.

And then last night I started hand stitching and got one side almost done.

I also got the top 2 rows sewn on the Australian fabric quilt.  The color is way off on this photo.  I know now that it will be a little under 55" wide and I think 70" long.

My daughter was at the Apple Store in NC yesterday and was talking to Sharon K. who works there.  As they got deeper into conversation about Vicki's use of Apple products Exuberant Color was mentioned and Sharon is one of my fans!!! She reads my blog!  Hi Sharon!!

When commenting on my blog did you know you can skip the robot thing and go straight to the Publish button?


  1. You just never know where a quilting fan will pop up, do you? How fun is that? Your binding is perfect.

  2. There are fans of your work around the globe, Wanda. Look! Here's ANOTHER one in North Carolina. :o))
    Oh! That binding fabric works perfectly with your new quilt.

  3. Binding fabric you chose looks amazing..nice to get a shout out from a fan....hugs, Julierose

  4. What a nice picture of Vicki and fan, Sharon. I had figured out that I could skip the Robot thingy about 6 months ago, when I became super frustrated with trying to find specified items in pictures that were so blurry, you couldn't make out anything at all in the picture. Much easier this way. Enjoy your day Wanda.

  5. You are making great progress! That binding looks great! I haven't got much of anything done - too many family things going on. Yesterday I left work as my SIL was having emergency gall bladder surgery. They finally got moving her into surgery at 3 p.m. (I had gotten there at noon) then I had to head to my hair appointment. Unfortunately I walked over the at the hospital's bridge to the wrong parking deck and had no idea where my car was. I went outside, found a couple of fellow with work jackets for the hospital on and they pointed me in the right direction. Then the elevator was broken in that deck and I had to hoof it up to the 5th level. I couldn't get my credit card to work in the machine so I could get out of the deck, but after trying 3 times it finally worked. I was a little late to my appointment and didn't get home until 6:45. Between working at my brother's house for 3 days and being at the hospital yesterday, I am done with family time! LOL!!! I need to spend some quiet time at the sewing machine. My SIL is fine and my brother is heading back to California today and won't be back until mid-March to finish up things with the house.

    That is a lovely picture of your daughter and Sharon. It is a small world!

  6. Hi, Vicki! And how fun to find a blog reader in an unexpected place. Your binding looks wonderful on that quilt -- happy stitching.

  7. Another nice productive day for you. it was fun to see your progress and photo of Vicki and an "Exuberant" fan. Perfect floral binding it melts right into your quilt.


  8. That's so cool that Vicki and Sharon met!

  9. Love your binding fabric - and your Australian quilt is coming along nicely. So fun to find a fan where you least expect one - but we are everywhere - ;))

  10. Love the binding..lovely w/front! Sooo cool about Vicki and your fan meeting "accidentally"! By the way can you tell us just how many fans you have now? Several yrs ago when I found you and pinterest about the same time, I started saving your colorwash photos onto a board I created just for you. I am still getting notices of "Another of your pins saved by___ people". Those people probably have migrated to your blog, too! After all, what's not to love??!! Lots of love and admiration again from this ole Missouri granny!

  11. That's quick progress on the binding! I really like the Australian fabric quilt - I like the little hearts that show up throughout.

  12. That’s such a sweet soft looking quilt with that binding! Thanks for the hint about skipping the robot part!

  13. That's a perfect binding for the 16 patch quilt. I've been looking at it and thinking about what fabric combinations I could put together. I'd like to use up some of my over-abundant florals and batiks. Nice story about Vicki meeting Sharon.


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