
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Next in line to be finished.........

This is the quilt that I chose to finish next.  It is 70" x 94".  I got the backing fabric pressed and seamed yesterday morning and loaded it on the longarm.

I didn't get to the quilting until 6 p.m.  I planned on a small meander but ended up with closer to a medium size meander.  I used Hobbs 80/20 batting and So Fine thread on top, Bottom Line in the bobbin.

I was hoping I would find a piece of lavender 30s reproduction fabric in my stash but the only piece I found was too dark.  This pink goes really well with the quilt top and is a good contrast with the back and I have enough of it.  I have 6 days to get the hand stitching done on the binding to be a January finish.


  1. I thought I was on the wrong blog for a second when I saw this quilt top - I'm so used to seeing bright vibrant colours I had to remember you do sometimes take it down a notch haha. Nice backing and lots of hand stitching to get through before the 31st - happy sewing :)

  2. Looks beautiful.....and it is quilted !!

  3. Congratulations on getting this beauty quilted - I know you'll enjoy the hand stitching on those friendly fabrics. I have at two reproduction quilts in the works (one for the kitchen table and a four patch lap quilt that uses some of your fabric for the backing) plus Optic Strings that is waiting to be quilted.

  4. I always enjoy seeing what quilting does to your tops. . . The texture enhances the fabrics and design. . . Your January has set the pace for the rest of the year.



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