
Saturday, January 4, 2020

First finish of 2020.............

I loaded the backing on the longarm on January 1 but didn't get the batting and top loaded until yesterday.

It is now finished, 70.5" x 88".  It could be used on a twin/single bed.  I did a big loose meander again and used Hobbs 80/20 batting in it.

I was going to piece 5 different 1 yard pieces of flannel together for the back but in the end decided to use the wide flannel backing I bought on sale last month.

The backing is a lighter color than I wanted on this quilt but in the end finished is better than worrying about how I was going to piece the backing.  The binding is a stripe and looks good with both sides, machine finished.

This photo is for perspective of the size.  The double design wall is 84" x 96".

Now if I could just keep up the pace of one finish a week I would have everything quilted by the end of the year.  I think I said that last year or the year before too and it didn't happen.


  1. Lovely finish--this is a large one;)))--one a week is quite a challenge...hugs, Julierose

  2. You seem to be producing new tops as you work at quilting "everything". Maybe you LIKE having that warm pile of UFO's????? Lovely start to new year's work.

  3. Maybe if Energizer came out with a super-duper, atomic powered battery, you just maybe, would be able to do that Wanda. lol

  4. A nice cozy finish, Wanda! Best of luck on your finishing goals for 2020.

  5. I think that kind of pace would turn quilting into work! Love this cozy warm quilt.

  6. Congratulations on the first of many finishes. I like the light back- a good contrast.

  7. I like your idea of the tumbler blocks with the bricks as top and bottom borders. Really looks good! Quilting is not my favorite part either, but those tops aren't a whole lot of good without it, are they? LOL!

  8. I enjoyed every photo of this quilt of your finishing production. The combination of the tumblers and rectangles are enchanting and my oh my knowing it is flannel adds to another beautiful quilt. I love the print on back side, I agree it makes for a nice contrast to the rich browns.


  9. I love this quilt and the combination of the two different block shapes adds so much interest. I never would have thought of doing that.

  10. Huge for sure... but very appealing. I love the old timey look of this piece and the beautiful colours!

  11. Your combination of bricks and tumblers is much prettier than ALL tumblers - a simple and very effective variation. I might "borrow" that - LOL. I've said things year after year - and made resolutions - but they never happened - so I stopped saying them - and stopped making resolutions - LOL - ;))

  12. Love it. Have enjoyed watching the progress, You are inspiring :-)

  13. Your quilt is beautiful. Did you use invisible thread in the bobbon? I always have little dots of my top thread showing on the back of my quilt.

  14. love this one, Wanda....and i would love to see your faves over the past 10 years. So, count me as interested. Happy New Year!

  15. This is a very cool flannel quilt. It is good to have that first one done! One finish a week would probably be doable if you didn't start any new projects.


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