
Friday, November 1, 2019

Another October finish.........

It was another snow day yesterday so I decided to finish this 16 patch quilt also.  I wanted a green binding but didn't have enough of anything that was the right green so it is pink dotted instead.  It ended up 47" x 62.5".

I used the pansy fabric that I have saved forever for the back.  Pink and green just doesn't photograph well because this is a lot prettier in real life.

That is snow falling in this photo.  It snowed for a long time but thankfully they were small snow flakes.  We had about 2" on the ground when I went out to fill this bird feeder and it snowed for a few hours after that.

This is a sad sight in October since my maple tree hadn't finished turning yellow yet.  This is a Redbud with just a few leaves hanging on. Overnight it was down in the 20s.

I'll do my monthly recap tomorrow.  Just didn't have time after finishing the quilt.


  1. Yay, aother finish! Its a very pretty quilt. I need to make some quilts in this style myself. This is a perfect size for our veterans quilts project.

  2. Beautiful quilt. Love the backing and the binding. Lots of wind and rain here, hope we don't see snow like yours. The wind ripped most of the lovely leaves off the trees.

  3. the snow is crazy early - I think my daughter said they have about 6 inches at least between two snow falls now - and her tree had beautiful yellow leafs on it and now they will probably all fall off immediately and not stay pretty for awhile

  4. The pink binding looks wonderful and the backing was a great choice. We didn't get any snow and the rain is done for a while. The winds were fierce last night, but calm today. We are suppose to get some sunshine this weekend and mild temps. Maybe I will get a bit more yard work done. Hopefully that snow of yours goes away!

  5. This is my favorite of the two green/pink sixteen patch quilts. And sooo love the sprinkle of the landscape squares. Not only is this my favorite of the two but to me, the pink binding smashes it out of the park. With that being said, I need to add that I’m not normally fond of pink. Heading to my machine to pick up again on finishing machine quilting the second half of my sixteen patch quilt for a great grandson’s first birthday. His is in blue/ green batik and we all love it. I missed his ‘birthday’ by many weeks because I tore a muscle in my abductor muscle in my leg. Yup, haven’t been able to use that leg for anything because as soon as I did, pain plus happened. Your blog has helped me remain cheerful during my quilting hiatus. Should be able to bring the quilt to Matt and Kortney on Sunday. This is my first sixteen patch quilt and must admit that it has become my Favorite of all times quilt design. Hoping to fit in an autumn version this month. A bit late for our gorgeous foliage (Maine) but if I persevere, I’ll be able to pull it out for next year. After watching your blog for awhile, meaning how you use color, I recently added a smidgeon of purple (least favorite color) to my fabric pull and W O W, it took on a brilliance of what the height of our fall season looks like. So, thanks Wanda from the bottom of my heart ♥️ for all of your hard work to post your wonderful blog. I know that it’s time consuming but it’s appreciated.

  6. Pink 'n green finished beautifully ! I agree, the binding is perfect.

    The national weather news showed most of the nation has been hit by this cold wicked weather. It's been quite a year for unusual seasons.


  7. Love the pink and green quilts and the pansy fabric is perfect for the backing! Great job!

  8. When I first saw this quilt, it took a while to recognize those landscape inserts among the 16-patches. (Once I enlarged the photo, of course, it was immediately obvious...) I made my first 16-patch last year (after 25 years quilting) and wonder what took me so long. It was such a peaceful, relaxing process... so simple, but it is (IMHO) beautiful in blue and purple/violet batiks. I want to do one in reds and tan/browns, after I finish up about a half-dozen quilts currently "in process".

  9. Lovely finish. I started piecing some of my pink and green 16-patches this week. Feels good to get another project under way that has been cut for months.

  10. Congrats on your newest finish! I really like how you worked that accent fabric into the design. It blends perfectly with the blocks (instead of taking over.)

  11. Love this one.
    Shocker regarding more snow. Here the winds are so bad that the leaves are being pulled off too early before they get a chance to show off. But I guess winter is early this year.


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