
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cutting kits.............

It's time to start cutting colorwash kits for my projected Sept.-Oct. online Colorwash 360 class. (Details coming soon) First I cut a piece off yardage 8 1/8" wide, then trim the fold line off.

That is then separated into single layers of each fabric, 6 fabrics deep.

Then with 3 passes through the die cutter one of those piles of 6 fabrics is cut into 24 kits.  I will be spending at least 3 hours a day every day until the kits are all cut.  I don't work 8 hour days anymore....

I put the end pieces up on a design wall so I can see which fabrics I have cut and what I need to add to each color group.  I cut 36 fabrics yesterday.

I have milkweed coming up all over in my front flower gardens.  There are 2 Monarch caterpillars on this plant but the one on the top leaf must have ducked back behind it when I snapped the photo.  They have really eaten a lot off these leaves.


  1. Monarchs are my favorite. I can't imagine cutting 8 1/8" size fabric. My floral colorwash is going to be in my guild show (once every three years) Oct. 4&5. All those batiks look wonderful.

  2. Hi! Do you know what the yellow things on plant are? I have them on butterfly weed ....

  3. I wonder the same thing as Pam - are the little yellow spots aphids perhaps?


  4. Finally all caught up on reading... No milkweed here, but some down the road. Plan to try and scatter some seeds near the pond... so I can cultivate some butterflies. I will have to coop any chickens... in the late summer tho. Glad the roofing went kinda smooth.

  5. I am seeing Monarch caterpillars on our milkweeds, too! Three on one plant yesterday. My milkweeds are also covered with aphids, like yours. I don't remember them being this bad before.

  6. Your fabrics are gorgeous, and will make sensational Colorwash quilt tops. You produce more in 3 hours than anyone else does in 8 !


  7. You sure have cutting fabric for kits down to a science! It is hard work so 3 hours of that and I bet you get tired. That is so cool to see the caterpillars on your milkweed. I have a girlfriend that raises monarchs and it is fun to see the pictures she takes of the process and their lifecycle.

  8. I've had Monarchs fluttering around this summer including earlier this week and I have a stand of milkweed, but no sign of any caterpillars so far. NO aphids either, that's quite an infestation.

  9. You work so efficiently! I keep watching and learning . . . we have caterpillars but I haven't seen any that look like Monarchs yet.

  10. Do you have the Studio cutter Wanda or the GO big electric? Whichever a great result and saving on time to cut so many squares at one time.


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