
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Playing outside in the nice weather.............

The weather was so beautiful yesterday that I mowed the front yard and did lots of weeding in the back garden.

I did get one postage stamp block sewn in one direction, cut a lot more little squares and laid out the next block ready to sew.
Then I started looking for more suitable small print scraps.  I tend to keep one project's scraps together in a plastic bag and found these Liberty prints that were colored by Kaffe.  They are the end pieces from cutting equilateral triangles.  I can get one square out of each.
The Tiger Lilies are starting to bloom.  I have some in the front and some in the back garden.

I have 3 pots of red Petunias on the front porch.

I have 2 batches of these Lilies, one group in the front and one in the back garden. 

We have a new Cable company putting in fiber optic cable in our town.  As I drove north yesterday morning I passed their truck 3 houses from me and there was a funny smell.  When I came home I found out they had cut the gas line.  I feel very fortunate that they didn't blow up our houses.  I was worried that they would cut through my Comcast cable but didn't even think about them cutting a gas line.  I sure hope they have qualified people on this job from this point forward because it seems to me that this crew didn't know what they were doing.


  1. Those Liberty prints are so pretty and will look good in your postage stamp quilt.

    That is scary that they cut the gas line. Thank goodness it didn't cause any fire or damage. One time I walked into my brother's house and even with a horrible cold I smelled gas. The gas man told me that if the concentration of gas is too high there is not enough oxygen to make it explode and then if the gas is not confined there is not enough concentration to cause a explosion. He said my brother's house was in the top 3 of bad situations for gas he had been in. That was scary. His was due to the pipe dope drying out to the water heater so the gas leaked. I am so glad nothing happened, but hopefully the gas company comes down hard on the cable company for doing such a stupid thing.

  2. Good morning Wanda. I sure hope both the city and gas company penalize the company and make them pay for repairs to the line. I don't think the cable companies give these guys much training, because we had problems 23 years ago, when they were installing cable in our area, after we had moved in. At that time it was Jones cable, a small company, eventually bought out by Comcast. Gas is nothing to fool around with. Enjoy your day.

  3. Love those KF liberties--they will be a lovely addition to your postage blocks...I've found that positioning my fabrics on the die can either waste or
    use the fabric well. Takes some thought...beautiful flowers--we are in the midst of teeming rain--3.25" of rain in the past 16 your umbrellas, guys!! hugs, Julierose

  4. My orange lilies have bloomed and died now, time to trim the large stalks. My beautiful multi colored lilies are blooming now as well as daisies, black eyed Susan’s and purple cone flowers. My garden is a riotous miss, but, oh so pretty. Glad your home is safe now. We’ve had problems with Frontier cable, not enough quality in training customer care reps.

  5. I'm still loving seeing your mini blocks coming together with such a wide variety of fabrics. Your garden is also looking pretty now more plants are blooming. My 3 varieties of Clematis are all starting to bloom together and should last a few weeks hopefully. Mu Fuchsia are also in flower and always last a few months, but with the heat we are having at the moment I have to water them every night.
    I have had fibre internet about 3 years now and so much speedier (FTTH). Hull is the first city in the UK to have everybody who wants it, to get connected. We are also the only city to have it's own telephone company and not connected to BT, so our street telephone boxes are cream, not red like you see in London :)

  6. Thanks for the info Wanda. We also have a new cable company that will be installing fiber optic. I will stay alert for any smells and alert my neighbors also. They haven't started installing cable yet, but will start soon. I only wish I knew what their definition of "soon" is.

    Your flowers are lovely. In the large city I live in, deer are a real problem and they eat anything that isn't tied down. I'm just glad that deer don't eat quilts.

  7. What a scary day and they lecture us about calling Miss Utility. Sounds like some companies need some refresher training.

  8. I am not a fan of the Liberty prints normally, but those by Kaffe are wonderful colors. How fun is it that you can use them in this project?
    The lilies are great. Don't overdo the yardwork.

  9. Oh, the weather post-heatwave has been glorious! I mowed and weeded yesterday, too.

  10. Happy to hear you had a nice day yesterday. And was able to get outside to do your gardening. Not happy to hear about the broken gas line ! Doesn't Sandwich have a "call first" hot line to flag where the underground lines are located ?

    That's a beautiful array of fabrics to cut your tiny squares.


  11. I haven't seen Tiger Lilies growing since I was a child . . . I never gave it much thought before, they must be an old fashioned flower that people don't plant much anymore. That or they just don't grow in your desert climate. They are so pretty. I love that you keep those tiny scraps . . . waste not, want not :)

  12. Report it to the gas co and cable co!!!

  13. Luscious Liberty fabrics, I never knew that Kaffe had coloured for Liberty - beautiful colours. On the subject of colour your garden has lots, I've never tried growing Tiger Lilies - do they cope with high humidity?

  14. Scary scenario with the gas line cut by cable company. I, too, spent yesterday weeding until a pop-up rain storm arrived. So much more needs to be done, but we're headed back to high temps by the weekend.


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