
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Outside again........

I mowed the other half of my lawn yesterday and pulled some more weeds.  It feels SO GOOD to have a cool breeze and low humidity.  Too bad we are only getting 5 days of it before the heat moves back in.  These lovely petunias are in one of the pots by my garage.
The Coreopsis continue to bloom in the back garden.

I got another postage stamp block sewn in one direction.   I'll turn the iron on when I get 4 of them done so I can sew the seams the other direction.


  1. It is cooler here also. I was in the basement all day finishing a quilt on the longarrm. I am so behind, I had to do it. I am glad you got outside and enjoyed the flowers.

  2. I was in the low 80's here and still a bit humid so I stayed inside and sewed. My neighbor showed me how to put string on my new trimmer so I am all set to go for the weekend. I do need to take the time to weed rather than sew. Your flowers are pretty.

  3. Cooler this morning here, too; we are dog sitting for Kota until saturday--
    so busy times..she is a sweetie, though.
    Hoping to eke out three more sno-ball blocks from the bits of fabric I
    unearthed yesterday deep in stash-ville...hugs, Julierose

  4. so nice to have the nice weather - here too and amazing 63 last night and here we are close to the end of July - we had the windows open! unheard for for July - and I still have them open this morning and will leave them open until close to noon probably - this is so nice to have weather like this -- I think we all deserved it after the heat of last week.

  5. It was 67 this morning when we sat outside to enjoy the early morning bird songs. AMAZING considering the 100 plus heat index readings last week. LOVING THE CLEAR FRESH AIR!!

  6. It's nice to have cooler temps, but especially low humidity. We finally hit 90* here so we'll send it your way!!! ;-)


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