
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Cutting the little squares............

Two more postage stamp blocks have been sewn and pressed.  I don't have room to put them on the design wall in the main floor studio right now.  I need to take down the Kaffe bow tie blocks and transfer them to the basement to a double design wall.

I am cutting the little squares with my Studio die cutter and using the smallest of my scraps.

I sometimes cut 6 of the same fabric, sometimes 4 and sometimes 1 or 2 depending on the size of the scrap.

Here I have piles some of the smaller scraps over 2 squares on the die at each end.  Some of the fabrics are double thickness so that will be 4 squares from one fabric.  I have enough scraps here to cut 22 squares with one crank through the cutter.
Then the pile of tiny scraps goes into a bag for filling dog beds.  If there is anyone local to me (Sandwich IL) that needs scraps for dog bed filling, I have several bags full right now.

We finally got some relief from the heat and humidity late yesterday afternoon.  I was able to get out and mow the rest of my yard in comfort.  This will only last a couple days and then we're back to hot on Wednesday.


  1. The other day I had a whole handful of the tiniest slivers of batiks when I trimmed my blocks. They were so pretty I put them in a pedestal candy dish. I’m not eating candy now but these certainly are pretty sitting there.

  2. I save those tiny scraps for my husband. He uses a handful at a time when he is starting the wood stove.

  3. Thanks for showing the die cutter for your teeny tiny squares. And I see you only use a quarter inch seam allowance stitching them together. That's some tedious stitching, but they sure make a colorful fun block. Glad you got a cooler day for your yard work. We're still in limbo weather wise here it doesn't know if it wants to be summer yet. Several days of bursts of thunder showers that sends us scampering in the house.


  4. You are my kind of woman...double design everywhere!!!!

  5. Just loving those blocks--i also have that die--and plan to use it on any legos my shoebox ready for storage..hugs, Julirose

  6. These blocks are turning out so pretty. I would find it hard to keep them straight with my crooked eye and all. LOL, Happy piecing!

  7. These blocks are beautiful. I only have a 2" square die. I was thinking of trying a 2" block and see how it looks.

  8. Love your little postage stamp blocks! Your trimmings look perfect for a "confetti" quilt - ;))

  9. I am cutting my 1.5" squares the old-fashioned way (don't have a die that size and don't want to buy one right now). Like Linda S., I considered using a 2" block but when I saw the version Lynn shared on her blog (a graduation quilt), I didn't like the look nearly as much as I did the smaller size.

  10. Yours is the one blog I read every day. I love to see what you are doing and your process. Thank you for sharing! And congratulations on your blog anniversary.


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