
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Border fabric.............

After looking through fabrics for a possible border I came across this grape print.  I think it might work.  I need to open up the fabric and hang it on the design wall so I can see it from a distance.

Also while in the basement looking around I came across the box of pastel 16 patches that I made 6 years ago.  I tried a couple times to lay them out in a pleasing order with no success.  I think this is the year to make it a success story.  There are 56 eight inch blocks in the box so I think I need to make 7 more blocks for a 7 x 9 layout.


  1. I really like those pastel blocks, very pretty.

  2. The quilt does not need a boarder, looks great without one.

  3. That grape fabric picks up the colors in the those blocks and blends in nicely. Since the blocks only measure 32" X 49" I would add a border to make it just a bit bigger. It will make a fun baby quilt.

  4. Oh I forgot to write how pretty those pastel blocks look. You seem to find such good stuff when you go digging around!

  5. Nice surprise to find when you were looking. Interesting fabric for the border.

  6. I know the border you decide on for your prismatic garden will be perfect. Grape fabric looks great so far.
    Looks like a lovely selection of pastel blocks.


  7. I like it when you intersperse un-pieced blocks with your pieced ones. I learned this from you and have been doing it a bit lately.

  8. I'm about 99% positive that I have some of that grape fabric, too. It looks fab with your blocks.


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