
Thursday, May 30, 2019

border auditions.....................

I was busy with lots of things yesterday so it was late before I tried a few more fabrics for borders for this small quilt.  The reason for bordering is to make it big enough for an adult small throw quilt.

Photo one - three choices

Photo 2 - 2 new choices, one the same as in photo 1.

Photo 3, narrow border added before grape fabric plus 2 new choices.

Any opinons?

The little white star flowers are everywhere in the back garden.  When they are done the grass (leaves) will die back.  It is a real pain to dig out because every leaf has a little onion type bulb attached to it.


  1. I can tell that you like that grape fabric, but I'm drawn to the first black/white you used, but perhaps with that little narrow border added. Love this bright little quilt!

  2. A quick reply - I like it when you have a poll - from what I can see I like photo 2, the small purple triangles. Maybe with a narrow border first then the purple?

  3. like the grape fabric with the small border or without it. Such a fun small quilt!

  4. You had me with the grape print....then I got double hooked when you added the narrow inner border. Second choice would be the black and white circle print with a narrow border too. The circle print seems to complement the inner design and not complete like the stripe.

  5. I agree with Debbie. The grape with the narrow border really grabs my eye.

  6. I like the upper right fabric in each photo, the hot pink or the black and white squares.

  7. I like the hot pink in photo one.

  8. First choice is the pink, second is the black and white squares.

  9. The little star flower is call Star of Bethlehem. I have successfully eliminated it in a section of my garden by cutting the leaves and flowers to the ground repeatedly throughout the spring. That mostly caused it to die. I have now covered what remains with 8 layers of wet newspaper, then mulch. I love the flower but it is just too invasive for my small garden and chokes out everything else. Love your quilts.

  10. Hot pink brightens up the whole quilt and there is no need for a border.

  11. I don’t care for the grape vines with these particular blocks. My reason is that the grape vine fabric is a normal print and the blocks are batiks. I think a solid grape batik would be best, Oran you batik that goes with it.

  12. This quilt sings by itself, but adding a border of what others have referred to as pink is my choice. What a happy quilt.

  13. I like the print at the bottom right in the third picture. It is more subtle and doesn't take away from those fun blocks. Those little white flowers are pretty. Too bad they are so aggressive.

  14. Grapes, with or without purple inner border. I like a mix of batiks and commercial fabrics! Love the center--the grapes seem to make the center sparkle.

  15. I like the red/hot pink for this top. But for something not quite so bright what about a thin red/hot pink border with the black and white (either one) for the larger border. I agree with Hedy - not the grape print.

  16. Up to now I disliked the grape print. But I like any of the three shown in picture three. I think the purple batik in that photo might make a nice inner border with the grapes. Dang me: never thought I'd vote for the grapes!!!!!

  17. Your blocks are subtly vibrant (LOL!) When I zoom in on the pink I see that its "woven" pattern also creates a square repeat that mimics the shape in your blocks. Because of that I think it's my favorite of your options. I also think a more neutral batik would highlight the richness of your blocks, but that might be too blah for your tastes!

    I really enjoy your work and am impressed with your craftsmanship and drive!

  18. The grape with the narrow border of the red. The two different feelings created by the borders make the quilts totally different but both appealing.

  19. If you change the of to or in the first sentence the comment makes more sense. I originally had it that way.

  20. I like the grape with the narrow purple border. I like the little white flowers and let them grow wild they are not real thick at this point

  21. Grape fabric with small purple inner border. To me they make the quilt sing.

  22. Pink makes it !! No extra boarders needed!!

  23. Photo 3, bottom right...purple mini triangles? I think it makes the block colors glow and does not divert attention.

  24. I vote for photo 3, upper right - the blocks seem to float on this fabric.

  25. I vote against the pink. My top choices are the grapes with no border or any of the bottom right fabrics, especially the purple.

  26. I like the lower right hand corner on option three the best. Micki @ 2 Dogs Studio

  27. I think you said purple is a good choice for binding at times. Well, I think that the purple at the bottom of photo 3 is good. Ther b & W above it is also good.
    Those darn white flowers get everywhere in my garden and they get to be a pain. Like you said, you can't easily dig them out.

  28. Love the Grape! I like botanical feel as well as the color and scale; it gives balance to the dark blocks.

  29. I vote for the black and white print in image 3.

  30. I like the purple with small triangles. It is just the right amount of color and scale. It is good enough to stand alone but doesn't shout out for attention. The first red with diagonal lines is too loud. There is not a lot of black, white or gray in the quilt, so the black and white borders don't echo any of the rest of the quilt. The grapes are okay and I do like that fabric a lot but I think it would be better with a different quilt. I do like having a skinny border first. So, my vote is for the purple triangles.

  31. The hot pink/melon plaid makes it all sing!

  32. Definitely the grape border, my inclination would be to use that alone, though the narrow purple with the grapes also looks good. I think with just the grapes it appears as though the central blocks become more three-dimensional, at least to my eyes, and I like the effect.

  33. I would vote for the red/pink border for sure!

  34. To my eye, I vote for the pink border, it compliments the prisms blocks giving it bright pizazz ! And brings out the detail in the blocks. The dark borders give it a deep far away look.

    But by now you have decided for yourself which border you love and probably have stitched it on.


  35. I like the Kaffe mad plaid in the first photo and think it would look great with a narrow border of grape as well. You know what opinions are like....pick the one that speaks to you.

  36. I like the narrow purple border with the wider outer border.

  37. Hi Wanda! Those blocks are so pretty. When I saw the grape fabric yesterday I thought that was it because it adds to that flower garden feel, but now I love the pink!

  38. I vote for the hot pink, or the grapes without narrow border.

  39. I vote for any in photo 3, the grapes were not my first choice but with the narrow border, it really pops. I also liked all your crack/ grey choices.

  40. I like the black and white stripe in the first photo. In general, I like stripes and I think it would make a nice narrow border to help with transition given the blocks have different values at the edges. The dark blue triangles fabric in the third photo, bottom right, would make a good outside border -- it doesn't look too flat and it appears to have a visual texture that mimics some of the fabrics in the main piece. While I like the red plaid in the first photo, I think it's too light. mho!

  41. You could make 11 more blocks and skip the boarder. You need something calm for a boarder - the purple inner boarder might work.

  42. I love it - you ask for opinions and get over 40 comments! Since everyone seems to have one - I might as well add mine. I didn't at first - but now I like the grapes with the narrow binding - it lets me see the blocks first and the border(s) second. With the other ones - I see the border first and then the blocks - if that makes sense - ;))

  43. Hi, Wanda! (Waving from Maryland)

    I like that pink (Kaffe Collective?) print shown in the first photo. Most of the others are just too dark for my taste, honestly.

    :) Linda

  44. I like the narrow border with any of the purplish prints. Love the quilt!

  45. I actually like the grapes without the narrow border.

  46. I like the black and white squares in the last photo, but maybe with a narrow black inner border.

  47. I prefer the hot pink - seems to make the blocks shine out, although not sure what it would look like with a darker block next to it - shine even more perhaps! Other than that the grape with the purple border - the thin border frames it perfectly for the grapes. But all very interesting.

  48. I like the bright pink; it adds some nice definition to the blocks. I'm not a fan of the grape border, I think it's too dark and it doesn't play well with the blocks.

  49. I haven't read all the comments, but the grape border is my favorite from what you have shown. Have you tried the bright red/pink as a narrow inner border with the grape border?

  50. I really don't think the grape print fits this quilt.....the fabric is too different from all the rest of the fabrics in the top....that said, I wasn't grabbed by any of the other choices.....except maybe the dark blue with small triangles or the black stripe run the long way.....'tis a puzzle but I am sure you will find the best one in the end!

  51. Wanda....I forgot to mention that the blocks in this quilt are stupendous. I love them!

  52. I like the pink in photo one. Echos the shape in the blocks. I don't usually chime in but your asked! Love the blocks and your blog.

  53. I'm not so keen on the black and while border choices but love the KFTriangle fabric bottom right.

  54. I really like the pink border - brightens the whole quilt. Maybe anchor it with a narrow border of dark purple triangles lower right pic 3?


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