
Saturday, April 13, 2019

4th and final by committee.......

My 2 friends and I moved blocks and moved blocks and moved blocks until we reached this layout which is the final one and will be sewn.

I flipped the photo 180 degrees to see if it looks any better but it doesn't.  

I'm still not really liking this OBW that much but I'll go ahead and sew this at my leisure when I just need something to sew on while watching TV.

While my friends were here I cut a new quilt.  The solid colors I used in my crazy pieced quilt HERE were still on the cutting table so I pulled out the stack of Jinny Beyer tone on tone prints from the early 1990s to go with them and added my new Kona cotton solid named Pickle.  I hope to start sewing this over the weekend.  I have another quilt cut that I haven't shown yet and I intended to get it up on the design wall but ran out of steam and played Spider Solitaire for an hour instead.


  1. I think your final layout of the OBW is the best one - at least your friends helped you make a final decision. I'm now wondering what you'll be making with those reddish colours. I like that you always have something different on your design wall every week. In the past week I made a kids small quilt and now making some 'on the go' bags. Have a lovely weekend - Spring is finally here :)

  2. This OBW may not have been as spectacular as your previous ones....but I do like the layout. The gentle movement of the curving reeds is good.

  3. I like this version of your OBQ blocks. Sorry you are disappointed, but let it sit and maybe later you will like it more. If not, you can offer it up for sale and I'm sure it will be snapped up

    The Pickle looks wonderful with the other fabrics. I don't know that I would have thought to put it with those, but I love it

  4. I do like this version, it’s really pretty. And I love Spider Solitaire too.

  5. Pickle!
    I need to buy that shade for the name alone!

  6. You and your friends designed a radiant red OBW ! It really turned out pretty.


  7. I really like the red OBW quilt top. I think it is very vibrant. Oh course we all see things differently,don’t we :-). I think you and your friends made a good layout.

  8. Your committee came up with a very pretty design. Even if you don't like it that much - the waves of color are soothing. "Pickle" is a terrific name - I had to laugh at that - and at your line about running out of steam and playing Spider Solitaire. I would do the same thing - but now my new favorite time-waster is Sudoku - LOL - ;))

  9. Final layout is splendid, lovely zig-zag movement down the quilt.

  10. Just wondered if a thin contrast sashing of sorts may help?

  11. Such pretty colors/fabrics. Maybe you would like it better if the green “cascade” was not so centered....maybe a little more off center?
    I have enjoyed the OBW. I don’t think I would have the patience!

  12. mixing old and new is my favorite to do as well. really enjoy your creations and appreciate all of the insight in your process. happy stitching.


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