
Friday, April 12, 2019

3rd layout............

I moved the grapes from the upper right to lower center and changed a few other blocks too.  It is marginally better than the second layout yesterday.  This not on my best photography wall and the light source is brighter on the left side than the right.

It looks a little like a green tornado right now.

Here is layout 2 from yesterday for comparison.  The blocks hanging at the bottom are saved to use as the half hexie fill in on the sides.

My 2 friends are coming over today so I'll see what they say.


  1. sometimes those OBWs are so difficult to lay out... I think if I had one like this I would let serendipity take over and just kinda throw them up and not agonize over the best layout or organized design. But have fun with "the" friends. I say HI!

  2. I agree the layout is looking better. More eyes and sleeping on it will help you resolve this. Have a great time with your friends and have a wonderful weekend!

  3. From here on the computer monitor it seems like there is too much of the same range of colors and not enough of the sparkling swirling designs that appeared in the previous OBW (black with pinks etc) . . . your "green tornado" made my giggle.

  4. Love the red OBW!!! It looks great.

  5. I am loving watching your process. I've completed my "nexies" for my first OBW and will start the lay out today. I was wondering Wanda do you have your hexies all together are are they in half to be sewn together in strips later? Can't wait to see what you come up with today after your friends visit. Barbara.

  6. Your work is so inspiring, absolutely beautiful :)
    I see a masterpiece in the making.

  7. Did your friends help you change your design or did you leave it as is ? I know whatever your final design is, it will be as "exuberant" as your first one.



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