
Monday, March 25, 2019

Very little sewing...........

I didn't sew much yesterday.  Some of the blocks for this OBW are interesting, others not so much.  I have a lot more to sew before I will be at the designing part.

The second offering of my online Colorwash360 class will be open for enrollment early this week.  If you haven't previously signed up for early access on my mailing list and would like info on the class go HERE to sign up.

This is one of my pieces that I finished in 2018.  Go HERE to view students' work from my October online Colorwash360 class.  They did an amazing job on their projects.


  1. Some of the blocks are more subtle than others, but they are all so pretty. I hope you get lots of students for your next class!

  2. You stitched enough for a Sunday sewing. I did go back and checked out your first students Colorwash class again. As always Colorwash creations always warms my heart . And I can see why you are proud of each one, they are wonderful pieces.



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