
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sewn together...............

I turned a couple blocks in different directions and then sewed the solid color crazy pieced top together.  It is small, only 29.5" x 43.25".  I am contemplating whether I want to add a border or not.  It will just live on a design wall for a few days so I can keep glancing at it.

Since it is getting close to the end of the month I need to finish something.  I sewed a backing together so I have one ready to load on my long arm.  First though I have to move all of the stuff that I moved to the longarm table when my art quilters were coming.  I think that is what lots of us do, shift things from one place to another and then back again.

The second offering of my online Colorwash360 class will be open for enrollment next week.  If you haven't previously signed up for early access on my mailing list and would like info on the class go HERE to sign up.


  1. Ha ha... I am forever shifting to make room for quilting.

    The little top looks good.

  2. I really like this! I admit, print fabrics are more my “thing”....but then I sometimes see a quilt put together using just solids and I really like it...Makes me think I need to give it a try. I did make one with just solids for my son’s high school graduation a few years ago and i was very happy with it. He found one on my Pinterest board and wanted it made with just solids. Despite my extensive fabric collection, I had to go buy fabric for his quilt because I had very few so,ids. Thank you again for your inspiration, Wanda! Interested to see how you decide to quilt it!

  3. I would be curious to see what a solid red border and binding would bring to the party - might be too much but it could also be amazing.

  4. Very colorful and a great use of solids.

  5. I like the suggestion of a border. Borders always frame a masterpiece.


  6. Wanda, What a luscious combination of colors! Try the teal as a border.

  7. That was a surprise!! I like that you chose to use multiple fabrics for your setting triangles. It adds to the charm.

  8. This one turned out really well, one of those quilts where each time I look at it, I notice something else. Looking forward to seeing how you quilt it!

  9. I like that you used different colors for the setting triangles. If you do decide on a border, each side will have to be a different color.

  10. I really love the rich colors. Reminds me of Amish quilts.

  11. This little quilt is entrancing! Crazy about the colors and scraps - and the pieces are large enough that it is not super busy. I could see a border on this... can't wait to see what you decide.


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