
Monday, March 18, 2019

The next OBW..........

I took a few breaks from cleaning and straightening the basement and started sewing the red One Block Wonder blocks.  I pinned the half blocks together for easier designing on the wall later.

My art quilters group should be here today.  Our group is getting smaller.  Otis, age 87 passed away in December.  You might remember I showed him with his Trip Around the World quilt here.

Spring is officially here -- the robins were all over my backyard flipping up piles of leaves looking for a meal.  It is still a little cool but we should be above normal temperatures the last half of this week.  That is only mid to high 50s though, no heat wave.


  1. The robins have been waiting here for several weeks... There are only a few months that they don't seem to be around... further south???? The last week or so, in addition to the robins we have seen a few bunnies in the yard. Spring is definitely on its way. The lilac in the yard is unfurling leaves already as are the privets. Seeing blooms on maples already too. Just waiting for the wild hyacinth and star flowers to come up in the lawn! and that will signal Spring for sure! Until then we endure!

  2. So sorry to hear about Otis. He looked like a very sweet man, and the picture of him with that beautiful quilt is one of my favorite memories from your blog.

  3. You are making another OBW?! I love the fabric; that red is beautiful! I noticed a lot of robins yesterday. The sun was shining, but it was still a bit cool out. The temperatures are going up slowly - which is good. We had a heavy frost last night, but Wednesday it is going to be in low 50's. I will need to start getting outside and tiding up the yard.

  4. I am so sorry to hear of Otis's passing. I remember when you posted the picture of him with the beautiful TAW he had just finished. The family member who received it, has a wonderful gift to remember him by. We also had a bunch of robins running around the back yard, searching for food. I saw worms on the driveway last week when I went out to get the paper, so hopefully, found some in the ground that has been so saturated with all the rain.

  5. We live here in St. Louis and haven’t seen any robins at all. Lots of other birds, but no robins. Sorry to hear of Otis passing, he made beautiful quilts and will be missed by your group. Love that red fabric for the OBW.

  6. How do you choose your fabric for your OBWs, what do you look for? Large scale prints?

  7. Those are pretty blocks! I’m so sorry about your friend Otis. What a beautiful quilt he made. Our robins haven’t teyrurned here yet. We’ve still got several feet of snow . Today, it is -2 C

  8. I clearly remember your post with the photo of Otis with his colorful quilt. When you mention the art quilters are coming, I always wondered if he was coming too. So sorry to hear of his passing. Thank you for introducing him to us!

  9. Oh, I am so sad to hear about Otis. He looked so proud of his quilt. I guess we need to make quilts while we can and not stop.
    The red blocks are looking good.

  10. Knowing you, you gave Otis some of his happiest creative days with your art quilters. I know how fond you are with everyone in your group. I'd like to think Otis is still with all of you in spirit.

    Oh boy ! Another OBW to watch grow. I like how each block is so charismatic !

    No Robins but Red Wing Black Birds are back trying to find a spot that isn't buried in snow for their nests.


  11. Love those red blocks, they look beautiful

  12. I saw a robin yesterday -- and a few days before, a red-winged blackbird with his wing patches blazing (gotta catch that girl!). Sorry for the loss of your friend.

  13. I’m sorry to read about Otis. I’m sure he will be missed. I’m liking the red blocks.


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