
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Back to OBW..............

When my 2 friends were here Friday I put the first 51 One Block Wonder blocks up on a design wall, grouped with similar ones together.  It looks like a DNA photo right now.

Last night I popped a movie into the DVD player and sewed the halves of the last 29 blocks.  I have 5 triangles at the right, one missing and I'm still looking for it.  I need half blocks to fill in the edges so I can make at least a half block from the pieces.

I spent 35 minutes making trips with armloads of branches to the end of the driveway for our first 2019 free brush pick up on Monday.  I had lots of branches that fell all winter and I had them all piled in one area of my backyard.  It was cold yesterday but supposed to be colder today, maybe reaching 40 for a high so I wanted to get it done.

The last date to sign up for my online Colorwash 360 class is next Sunday, April 7.  For more about the class, go to yesterday's post.


  1. Gosh they look fabulous on that dark background too. Your fabrics are beautiful, Wanda hugs, Julierose

  2. We have been heavy into yard work too. Lots of trees and shrubs to trim. The chainsaw is getting a big workout and we've already filled the truck 7 times! We're maybe half done. Yesterday was Roundup day. The 600 foot gravel driveway tales a lot. Then I have to mulch it all, another 6 truckloads. It's going to be an exhausting Spring and it's what I deserve for skipping out on last year!

  3. Beautiful fabric, these OBW quilts always surprise with the different patterns.

  4. Worked on my hexagons at retreat, sewed all the octagons, and ready to start putting them on the wall. Good to see your progress.

  5. I smiled at your DNA comment. . . Your OBW are far prettier than anything I've ever seen under a microscope.

    We've still got snow covering our winter debris.

    I've named my Christmas cactus "One Blossom Wonder"... There's been only one blossom on it 2 years in a row. I think I need to ship it to you for some of your magic. (^._.^)



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