
Friday, February 1, 2019

January 2019 recap............

I had 4 finishes for left Kaffe 2 colorwash 33.5" square, bottom left batik rectangles colorwash 24" x 38.5", center printed cotton fabric colorwash made with rectangles 40" x 63", and batik orphan blocks quilt 52.5" x 68".  All of these were tops from last year waiting to be quilted....and now they are done.
Quilt tops finished in January:  I finished sewing the TAW top from last month and started and finished the other 3 quilt tops in January.  OBW 52.5" x 67", Red and white stars 44" x 68", Marcia Derse fabric frames and squares 51" x 68", and the Kaffe fabric TAW 78.5" x 98".  I like to start the new year strong and try to keep up the momentum at least until gardening season.
I had a lot of sewing and pressing to do on the One Block Wonder yesterday to get it finished.

I turned it 180 degrees from the way I designed it and I think I like it better this way.  Since it will probably become a throw quilt it will be seen from all directions.

I got the points to match in some of the blocks.

Others were off by the tiniest bit but as busy as it is I don't think that will be noticed.


  1. Love your finished layout of your OBW quilt - it's something I want to try one day but I think I would start with 4 squares. Finding a piece of 'busy' fabric large enough to cut up is my problem, but I'll keep on looking, especially in the charity shops.
    We had snow overnight but almost gone now. I've seen photo's of your snow and what's been on the US tv news - wow and so deep!! Thank goodness we have fabric to play with when trapped indoors :)

  2. I love that one block wonder and how you finished that one up in design

  3. You certainly accomplished a lot this month Wanda, and I like seeing all your finishes at one time. The colorwashes are all beautiful, but seeing them all together, I prefer the one using regular fabric, as it gives more movement to the quilt. The red and white star quilt is so striking, and I was wondering if you are going to border it. Hopefully the predicted temperatures for the next few days will get rid of some of the snow and ice.

  4. The OBW should be entitled a one block WOW! Yours looks great! Takes us into the garden...kind of an odd thought with it being so white out this morning!

  5. One impressive January! All of them are terrific finishes.

  6. I love your OBW! So much variety in the blocks.

  7. You are amazing! As always, these are stunning quilts. I am a huge fan of yours. You are such an inspiration!

  8. You accomplished a lot in January! The OBW is looking good! I don't feel like I accomplished much, but maybe in February I can get Sammy's quilt done and the laundry room at least half done so I feel like I have accomplished something.

  9. I so agree that you started out the New Year STRONG , . . . What a gorgeous collection of designs, and not simple ones either. Chicago is making the weather news every night. Hope you get the warm up they predict on Sunday.


  10. I like the OBW rotated, too -- congrats on such a productive month!

  11. Wow, you were busy! I love all the color wash quilts!

  12. Oh what a productive month Wanda. I think I really hav e to make one of the OBW quilts, the patterns created are stunning, thanks for showing us the two closeup shots.


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