
Friday, January 4, 2019

Repair needed...........

I ran errands in the morning and when I got home I noticed the house was colder than normal.  It sounded like my boiler was running but the radiators were cold.  I called the heating/plumbing guy that put in my new boiler 7 years ago and luckily he was near here and came to fix it.  The thermocouple was bad and had to be replaced.  While he was here I had him fix 2 leaky faucets.  One service call fee, 3 repairs.  I have needed the faucets fixed for several months.  While he was here I unpicked the last strips on the Trip Around the World and last night sewed another 10 column section.  I have a 9 column section left to sew and then I'll have......another quilt top to add to my hanging rack.  But on the other hand this one is for my bed so maybe I'll quilt it right away.

The color on the package was right for the next Amaryllis that is just starting to bloom.  I found 2 more at the store marked down to $2.50 so they came home with me.  That's a small fee for a nice winter indoor garden treat.


  1. There is nothing like getting amaryllis on sale after the holidays. I paid 99 cents for mine and it is starting to bloom now.

  2. The TAW top is so pretty! Yes, you need to quilt it right away so you can enjoy it on your bed. That is good that you had the issue now with the boiler and got it fixed when it is not freezing cold out. It sounds like it was an easy fix and to get the faucets repaired too was a bonus! I will have to go some place and see if they have any amaryllis on markdown. Yours are so pretty!

  3. Problems with heating systems can be serious in weather like you can have. I am glad it was a relatively easy fix.

  4. So glad you got your boiler fixed quickly in this cold weather. I’m waiting to see your completed quilt!

  5. Good thing you got it fixed fast- not on the weekend or when it is bitter cold. The quilt is looking amazing.

  6. Am I the only one who read the title, and then went right to the picture to try and thought "I don't see anything wrong" ? And yes, IMHO, you should definitely move this to the front of the line to be finished. I'm glad you got your furnace fixed fast.

  7. Oh, yes -- definitely quilt this one right away so you can get it into the bedroom and ENJOY it!


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