
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

All 35 blocks...........

This is my view from my sewing chair looking at all 35 blocks sewn (still in 2 halves for easier quilt assembly).  I can see lots that need to be changed to new positions.  In the beginning I just group them with similar ones next to each other.  Now I have to come up with a plan..........but first I need to sew the 2" border on the Marcia Derse quilt top so it will be in the "finished tops" for January.

Last night we dipped below 0 (-10 at 11 p.m) and we won't be above 0 for 2 days.  Update, 7:30 a.m. -24 degrees.  We possibly will break the all time low record for Chicago on Jan. 20, 1985 of -27 degrees for a daytime high.  And then the good is supposed to be 40 degrees Sat. - Mon. with rain.


  1. Looks lovely. Was wonderful fabric you chose for OBW. Made one years ago with a Laurel Birch fabric and still love it and get many compliments. Yes it is cold -29 right now in more southern MN.

  2. Good morning Wanda, from where it's colder than most of Alaska. Can you believe these arctic temperatures we're having? Hope you are staying inside and keeping warm. I can't wait to see the final layout for the OBW. I think it's more fun to make them, than trying to lay them out, but that's just me.

  3. just heard from daughter north of you by a little bit and she said it was - 21 there -- too cold!!

  4. Egads - that temperature (we've been watching your area, my sister's area in northern MI, and Lynne's in NH for comparison with ours). We are at 21 this morning with a high of 29 - which sounds balmy compared to yours but is definitely cold for where we are in western TN.

  5. It is 2 here with temp still going down. Lake effect clobbered us yesterday. Usually it is south of us. My town was the worst-16" right now. So,it will be a good sew day. Your OBW are wonderful. Maybe I should figure out my side triangle and get my sunflower one done. Or cut the fabric for a new one. So many ideas, so little time!

  6. So at -1 it is a heat wave compared to you! LOL!!! The wind chill is -22. I was out and about in it this morning and when that wind blew - yikes! The sun is out so it doesn't seem as bad.

  7. Can hardly wait to see your final layout for your hexies. Each block is so pretty.

    OMG... Your Artic front is making weather news night after night. I hope you do get that rain and 40 degrees on Sunday. When an artic front hits our area it's a good long two weeks before it breaks. Thinking of you...



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