
Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Inspiration again..............

I have always liked this quilt on the back of a quilt book.  It uses Marcia Derse fabrics and at first glance I thought the rows were just made from one fabric each but after looking closer there is more than one fabric in each.  I have a great love for zig zag quilts anyway and this might be a fun one for me to make.  I wouldn't use the same fabrics but would use the shapes and sizes  from the book.

This is the front cover.  I have had the book propped open so many times that the cover wouldn't lay flat for the photo so you are seeing my fluorescent light bulb reflected on the cover.  I think I should choose some fabrics for the quilt before I put the big bin of Marcia Derse fabrics away.

It was a warm humid day yesterday and we have had over 2" of rain lately so the birds were going crazy taking turns in the bird bath.  There were robins here before I could grab my camera.

The tree across the street is starting to turn color.  Some years the leaves are too dry and it isn't as pretty.  I think this year we might have a chance for it to totally turn color.


  1. I love this quilt and the book which is so dogeared from constant viewing. I plan to make this quilt also. Looking forward to seeing your interpretation of this quilt.

  2. You know I love zig zag quilt too and I think that one is very cool! I can't wait to see your version. I have seen a bit of color here and there with the trees turning. I think once the cold wave hits the color will really start to show.

  3. The Zig Zag quilt is terrific, and you have the best fabrics. Will watch to see your version! I love the bird bath photo. It's fun to watch them so happy in the water.

  4. The cover quilt of the magazine is beautiful too. You have had such a warm fall so far. I wonder what winter will bring.

  5. I enlarged the photo and saw that all was not what it first appeared to be, and look forward to seeing you create your version of this quilt. Another warm and sunny day for us before the cooldown and rain, so it's get in the fish pond to cut down the water lilies and put them on the bottom to overwinter.

  6. We drove by your house Sunday afternoon and noticed that tree. Ours is gold and orange (back street). LOVE Marcia's many pretty ideas out there (that "Colorific" one is fabo)! Glad to see the birdbath in use. We have so many little critters out there...I now have a squirrel (one) that will take food out of my hand. He's a cutie, has a darker face than his body.

  7. Looks like a great book for inspiration. Our glorious maple tree turned several weeks ago and now all but a hand full of leaves are hanging on the tree. And we're getting some wonderful rains and SNOW is covering the mountain tops.


  8. Just love the mixed fabrics of the zig zag quilt. It gives it a whole other level of interest instead of just repeats. Fall is a little slow here, not much color yet but hoping for lots.

  9. Very colourful looking book,I look forward to seeing the chosen fabrics. The tree is so pretty, hope you'll post another photo when the colour is full.

  10. Oh Wanda, I had just told my friend yesterday that I needed to stop buying quilt books. And here you show me this one I've never seen. But I will soon. LOL!

  11. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netOctober 10, 2018 at 12:50 PM

    Well somehow what I was saying disappeared. Anyway, I do enjoy seeing what you are working on. Although I love living here in AL, I do miss the color of leaves in the central IL fall.


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