
Thursday, August 23, 2018

Some remnants from my trip to NC.........

We visited my grandson's apartment and I met his Ragdoll kitty for the first time.  He is so pretty and fluffy!  Some of you may have guessed I have been in NC.  I rode back home with my daughter 12 days ago and I flew home yesterday.  I had limited internet access while we were in the mountains so I didn't answer a lot of comments.  I have some photos of my granddaughter's Ragdoll kitty too but haven't loaded them into my computer yet.

On Monday we got a buy one, get one free coupon for fresh baked cookies at a book store.  That is my sugar cookie in the foreground and we thought it looked like a sunflower on that plate.  My daughter got a cookie with raisins in it.

I think I need a colorful keyboard like my grandson's.  The backlighting is in rainbow colors.


  1. I don't know which I like more in this post: the kitty, the cookies or the keyboard!

  2. The oatmeal raisin cookie is my personal favorite at B/N, and I always use the coupon to get one "for the road."

    Just what is a "ragdoll" kitty? Maybe you can explain when you post pictures of the other one????

    Hope you are not suffering withdrawal symptoms after so many days away from your machines?

  3. that is great that you were off on vacation and visiting - it is fun isn't it. Welcome home

  4. Good to have you back home Wanda! The Ragdolls are my favorite type of cat, not just because they are beautiful, but because of their size and demeanor. I seriously thought about getting one a number of years ago, but decided against it because of my allergies.

  5. DH has one of those backlit keyboards on his computer - a recent purchase. He likes it a lot. I find it hard to type on because I'm used to a more ergonomically shaped keyboard. Glad there are lots of designs to suit different needs.

  6. I enjoyed all 3 photos, and good to hear you are home. It always takes me days to get back into my routine again after being gone for awhile. But knowing you .... You'll hit he ground ground running.


  7. I am so glad you had a wonderful trip after suffering through surgery. Sounds like it was great fun!

  8. That's a gorgeous Ragdoll - I love their colouring. If I didn't have a Maine Coon kitty, I'd have definitely got a Ragdoll as they're similar in size and temperament, I think.
    I'm glad you've had such a fun trip especially this horribly hot summer - hopefully you had some relief from the high heat and humidity.


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