
Friday, August 24, 2018

More kitty photos............

Here are the two grandchildren I was visiting, now in their mid-20s.  How did that happen?  They were 1 and 4 when they moved away from IL.

This is the best of the photos of my granddaughter's Ragdoll kitty.  His tail is huge and didn't make it into the photo.  He has such different coloring than my grandson's kitty.

He likes to go into the bedroom and roll over on his back on the carpeting.  Now I have seen all of my great-grand kitties.  I showed two about a month ago that live near me.

I looked at fabric yesterday and even thought about working on the Kaffe Trip Around the World but I needed to grocery shop and do some laundry so I never got around to it.  Traveling is tiring and I'm not back up to speed yet.


  1. Traveling. Is tiring and often you need a staycation to recover from a vacation! Hope your energy refills so you can dazzle us with your sewing.

  2. traveling can be tiring and I find travel by plane very tiring - I think it is dealing with the airports and uncomfortable seating the worst. Your grandchildren are so great looking and I bet it was neat to see them - they grow up so fast and we miss so much when they live far from us.

  3. It sounds like you had a wonderful trip to NC. Take some time to recoup and enjoy the cooler weather - well, at least it is cooler here thank goodness!

  4. Your grandchildren have grown into good looking adults and like you, we wonder how in the world they got so old. I love the fact that you were able to spend some time with them and get to know them and their pets. Traveling is very tiring, and I have found that we need a couple of days before getting back into our normal routine. Hope all is going well with your post surgical recuperation.

  5. Very good looking grandchildren. My rag doll was exceptionally pretty too but darker. Great cats.

  6. The children seem to grow up in the blink of an eye.

    Traveling is tiring - then there is the packing and unpacking involved in it. Seems like it always takes so long to get back in the routine again.

  7. Beautiful grands and gorgeous kitties -- rest and take care!

  8. Cat coloration - I think I understand that. It appears that there is one blue point and one seal point. I used to raise colorpoint Persians formerly known as Himalayans. Love them and all variations. Long hair and pointed color make me smile.

    Your grandchildren are handsome and beautiful too!

  9. You showed your handsome grandson earlier, but not your gorgeous grand daughter... Their rag doll cats are so pretty. I had never heard of that breed before.

    Cooler days here in the valley, but still plagued with all the smoke from the Pacific N.W. states forest fires. Most days are so nasty, our news programs warn of the hazardous air and to stay inside ! These smokey summers are so devastating and unhealthy for all.


  10. Another beautiful Ragdoll - love this colouring as well.


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