
Saturday, August 11, 2018

Gifting quilts..........

I gifted two quilts, one to my daughter's childhood friend and one to her daughter.  Tracy has only the back of her quilt showing but you can see all of it here.  I had a stack of 6 quilts they could choose from since I didn't know what colors or styles they like.


  1. That is a sweet photo of mother and daughter wrapped in your beautiful quilts. Happiness!

  2. Those are beautiful gifts for special friends.

  3. such a nice gift!!! How are you feeling? Better?

  4. Such a sweet picture. It’s nice to give quilts away to people who will love them. This next week I’m gifting two to close friends.

  5. Wonderful The photo tells the story.

  6. Oh, how sweet! Especially if you are not certain of someone’s taste, I think that is the best way to give a quilt.....let them choose from a few. Unfortunately, I only have one available at a time! I am too slow. So if I am making one for someone, I really sweat it out, hoping they will like it. I am making one for my daughter now (freshman in college in a few days) and so wish I had one for her best friend too.

  7. Such good choices... but how could they not be?? These are two of my favorites (though they all seem to be, for that matter). A beautiful gift for lovely long-time friends.

  8. I'm sure this mother and daughter were delighted with your generous gifts Wanda, and they look very happy wrapped in your quilts. It's always so gratifying when a hand made item is gifted to someone who appreciates all the time and love that goes into making them, no matter what that item may be. Enjoy the weekend.

  9. Gifting always feels so good. And I can see by those smiles they will treasure your quilts. I did click back and so enjoyed seeing that quilt again. I see I left a comment stating "my blue heaven".


  10. How wonderful! They look happy and cozy and loved. Exactly what we hope a gifted quilt will bring about.

    The quilts are beautiful. Sure to be treasured forever.

  11. What a sweet photo of mother and daughter. They look like they both appreciate their quilts.

  12. A lovely photo to capture the memory of a lovely gesture. Still sending positive thoughts and prayers your way as you continue to recover.

  13. What a lucky pair!! They look thrilled with your generous gifts.

  14. Two very happy ladies in this photo, lucky girls!!

  15. That's the best gift of all. Super picture too.

  16. They made great choices (how could they not!) and took a wonderful picture. So generous of you to gift them each a quilt.

  17. That's why I like to have quilts on hand.


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