
Monday, June 18, 2018

My plan...........

I decided that the no guilt way to start a new project is to set a timer for 1 hour and work toward finishing some quilt.  When the buzzer goes off the rest of the day can be spent on a new project.  I did some creative piecing on a backing and got it pressed and rolled onto the longarm.
Then I cut some other pieces to try for the insert in the border of Sunlight in the Forest in case I want to do it like Kaffe did.  I don't have either of the fabrics he used.  I'm still not sure on this one but the buzzer went off and I went on to spend a few hours cutting for a new project.

This pot in front of my garage is so pretty.

The Stello D'oro daylilies continue to bloom in a front flower bed.  One more day of intense heat and then some relief but still very warm.  I hope we get some of the rain they are predicting for tonight into Tuesday.


  1. Like the one hour idea! I have sssooooo many WIP in different categories - knitting/crochet, cross stitch, quilting - and since I just pulled out items from being in storage for 5 years while I was in Montana, I have TONS of WIPS. So as I was unpacking, I made a list and picking one thing from each category to work on and get finished up.

  2. I wanted to start a new project this weekend, but I ended up too tired from all the things I needed to first get done. This heat and humidity is awful.

  3. Wonderful. I love the new guilt free plan!

  4. Great plan! Going to try it out. My flowers are doing well though it was way too hot yesterday. I have some annuals to get into the ground yet, but it has been too dry and hot. Supposedly rain tonite, so maybe finishing tomorrow. Have to get another quilt on the longarm, so creative back piecing for me also.

  5. Good plan for tackling older to-do's without burning yourself out on them. I checked the weather this morning for several of you north of us and you are just as hot as we are, if not even a few degrees higher! And it is plenty, plenty hot/humid here.

  6. I love your no guilt project starting plan and am going to apply it this morning. Beautiful flower pictures as always!


  7. Your plants seem to be coping with hot pre-summer days. It's probably the humidity that gives them the moisture they need ? ? ?

    I agree with the others, I love your new plan. It is so easy for me to start another project and ignore finishing what I have going.

    Would you believe we have had our furnace on for 3 days now... RAIN for days, so unusual for our area. But hopefully it will have a good effect and eliminate the forest fires this summer.


  8. I have a perfect excuse - the workhorse quilting machine is in the shop so I can concentrate on flimsies (my favorite)!
    You will like this one, I have been intending to make a quilt for the Mr.'s daughter and yesterday she brought me some fabric (some is the operative word). So I will spin a bedsized quilt from 1 yard of fabric. *grins*

  9. Ha! I play this time game with myself all the time. It's amazing how fast the time goes.

  10. Love your plan and wish it would work for me. My husband has Ahlzheimer's and interrupts me because he loses things. Love him so I just drop what I'm doing and go help. Having a menagerie of 18 kitties, one dog and 14 chickens makes my 75 year old body tired. I do manage to make about 30 quilts a year which is down from the one per week I was doing a few years ago. Life is short and loving your family comes first.

  11. That’s a great reward system. The colors in your pot do look so pretty. Hope you get some heat relief soon.

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  13. Oh what a good idea with the timer!! I have one in the drawer and after reading your post It's coming out to sit on my desk in my sewing room. Sunlight in the Forest - another beauty!


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