
Monday, June 25, 2018

First border......progress..........

I have had the borders cut for several days and just kept putting off the sewing part.  Of course it didn't take long to sew them on.  I have the second borders ready to put on too.  

I mowed the grass in 2 sessions yesterday afternoon.  It was a little hotter than I thought it would be.

It is black raspberry time again.  I picked these 2 days ago and have been out to pick twice since then.  I baked cookies for the art quilters so for my evening meal I had 3 cookies and a dish of ice cream with raspberries on top.  They say life is short eat dessert first.  Instead I took it one step farther and all I ate was dessert.


  1. Loving the colours and watching your progress. Made me smile when I read about your dessert - I can always eat a dish of ice cream and pecan is a favourite, but not found that one for quite a while, .... and, it's very hot outside today 72/22c at 11am :(

  2. Finishing quilts and eating desserts, what is not to like? Quilt looks great.

  3. Those black raspberries look so good. I like the black ones, but not the red ones. I was out to lunch one time with a bunch of family and when the waitress came around to get the order for salads my one brother ordered a hot fudge sundae.

  4. Good for you Wanda, and I whole heartedly agree. In fact, have done it myself, except for me, it was lunch. I talked myself into believing that if I had it earlier in the day, I would still have time to walk some calories off. Have a good time with your quilter friends today. More rain and heat on the way. Not a good summer for our tomatoes!

  5. I love your style (colors and ice cream for dinner)!!!!!

  6. The Kaffe quilt is gorgeous — naturally (you two make a great team!). And your supper looks like a nicely balanced meal — fruit, dairy, grain — what's not to like?? Have fun with the art quilters today!

  7. I have occasionally done that and just had ice cream for supper!

  8. I like the all dessert idea. I've done that more than once and I must say that cherry pie is my favorite breakfast. lol

    You got so much accomplished in one day. I love that border!

  9. Always love the color in your quilts! Barely in 70's here! Rain most of this week.

  10. They look like what we call blackberries here and we have a few bushes too. They are still getting established, but we did get some berries this year.

  11. I love to have dessert in place of a meal.

  12. Haha - I had dessert for dinner last night, too! - a nice bowl of "Orange Sherbet with Vanilla Swirl" - perfect for summertime - ;))

  13. Love the first border it makes the quilt glow. As for dessert, you covered basic food groups and the sugar can be walked off. Enjoy your posted enormously.

  14. Wanda...I am really amazed at you...mowing your grass...sewing a quilt and picking blackberries and making a dessert...please send me immediately some of your energy!!

  15. That border is glorious ! So polished to see it stitched on instead of the audition pieces. It adds so much pizazz. I like what White Eagle said, that it glows and it really does. Anxious to see the next border on this one.

    So jealous of you and all of the ladies that can have dairy, sugar and fresh fruit. I will never forget those sweet meals.


  16. We used to have a wild blackberry patch (we called them black caps) at the back of our property, but the deer have eliminated them all. I would usually have enough for a pie and topping for ice cream or cereal. And there was nothing like popping them in your mouth right off the briars. I miss them.
    That border just fits the quilt so well.


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