
Saturday, June 23, 2018

Binding chosen.........

I decided that the binding for the Australian triangle quilt should be one of the prints that didn't work well in the quilt.  In this case this one just looked like gray and didn't add anything to the piecing.

I think it will look great as a binding.

It looks good with the backing fabric too.

This was my alternate choice.  It was neither a light nor a dark when I tried to use it in piecing the triangles so it didn't get used.  It would make a good binding too but I think I might find another use for it where the other print was just going to sit on the shelf forever.
I have a cute little baby bunny who is trying to eat all of the clover and weeds in the grass.  He is nestled right in there with the gray rocks.

He finally came out a little farther to reach the next batch of  pclover.

We ended up with another 2" of rain from 9 p.m. Thursday night to 11 a.m. yesterday.  That is 3.5" in a little over 24 hours.  Finally we are going to get a few dry days before the next batch of rain on Tuesday.


  1. For the early morning readers: I forgot to set the time to 3:30 a.m. when I wrote my post so it didn't get posted until after 7 a.m.

  2. I was wondering what happened to your post! Those bunnies are cute. When I was a child I had one for a pet for a short time. I think my mother may have had a hand in its escape.

  3. Good choice. I also love that other print. What a fun print that is!

    We have had such a problem with rabbits in the yard this year. Our resident owl has been absent this year so they seem to be taking over.

  4. Your binding fabric may have looked gray if used with iin your Australian triangles, but sure sparkles as a binding. Another great looking design and finish, Wanda.

    Cute little bunny, and I spotted him right away. (*._.*)


  5. Great Australian fab. quilt! Thanks for sharing your
    reasoning behind use of the binding fabric. Those pacemakers are amazing!! Enjoy your weekend.

  6. I adore that fabric you chose for binding -- Inhave used it as a backing AND as binding - they look great.

  7. I think your choice of fabrics for the binding is perfect. That quilt is lovely. Keep up the good work. I like your one hour a day timer. I need to get in the habit of sewing every day.

  8. I really love that fabric you used on the back. That b&w print for the binding was a good choice too!


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