
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Colorwash sewn........and rotated............

I sewed the cross seams of the colorwash and now just have to decide which way it hangs.  This is the way I designed it.

Now making quarter turns to the right.

This direction puts a couple bunnies upside down.  That is sometimes a problem with prints, a one way design.

This is the 4th direction, bunnies sideways (hint: they are on the top edge here in the green fabrics).

My first radish was big enough to pick.  This is my first year to plant them.

I have never had baskets with such a variety of plants before.  Some of them aren't too happy in this heat.  One more hot day and then rain from the tropical storm and cooler on Wednesday.  Hot again Thursday and then a cool down over the weekend.  The plants need some time to recover.  Even the leaves on the redbud tree were looking wilted in the heat.


  1. Love the colorwash. I vote for view 2!!!!!

  2. Happy with any way! Love it in any direction. Of course I am biased. Your heat is unbelievable, too much, too early.

  3. Blue on top could be the sky with flowers on the bottom.

  4. Your colorwash piece turned out beautiful. This heat is awful. It is still only May and 90 degree heat - what is up with that?

  5. They are all beautiful, and I don't mind the upside down bunnies, especially since they're near the edge and blend very nicely with the other green fabrics. Looking at it full size, I would be hard pressed to find them on my own. Can't wait to get rid of this weather!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Bunnies ? ? That's a quilting term I've never heard of OR is it an image of a little bunny ? I'm still looking and can not see them. It hangs beautifully however you choose, but do like your original best. This floral color wash is stunning, I love it even with the bunnies. (*._,*)

    Always a treat to pull the first radish of the season. We too have heat here, but only pushing to the 90's right now. Similar forecast for us too. Odd when we are so far apart.


  7. I don't think it matters as there are other directional patches: the love birds, the birch trees and the leaf veins. The bunny just happens to be doing a flip on a trampoline!

  8. I would never notice the sideways bunnies. It looks wonderful as do the gorgeous flowers. You can send some heat our way.

  9. I love it in all directions, but if the direction of the bunnies bothers you then hang it so they are right side up.

    It will be awhile before we have radishes but they are coming!

  10. My vote is for view 2. Beautiful colors, makes me want to make one also!

  11. Thanks everyone for your input. I hope blogger resolves the sending of comments to our email soon.

  12. Every which way looks good to me!! Although I do like to see the bunny right side up.

  13. Love it! I like the first one .. The sun on top and the cool undergrowth underneath ... but then where I live we've had temps opver 110 ... yes I live in another country!

  14. This is such a lovely piece! Do you ever sew a sleeve on two or more sides of a wall hanging like this to allow for alternatives in hanging?

  15. One suggestion for future colorwashes would be to take a picture of the layout on the design wall with your phone before sewing them together, then rotate the photo with the edit function. If you chose a different orientation, you could rotate any directional block if needed. OTH I don't think the directionality matters in something like the colorwash. I also like the idea of putting triangle corners on all the corners, so it could be hung in any direction.

  16. I like your original design. The yellow on top reminds me of sunshine peaking through flowered tree branches. But truly, it looks good in any direction!


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