
Friday, April 13, 2018

Whew! It is sewn...............

The quilt top is so large now I had to hang it sideways on the design walls.  One rectangle center, 20 borders.........I don't even like putting 3 borders on a quilt.  This was a challenge.  There are a few ripples.....I admit it isn't perfect.  I had the most trouble after adding a crosswise grain border after a lengthwise grain border.  Even though the book doesn't mention it you have to cut the black and white stripe lengthwise because the stripes run crosswise across the fabric.  In fact it tells you to cut the binding crosswise when clearly it has to be cut lengthwise.

Here is the view from the side like I showed yesterday.  This ended up 76.5" x 89".  I am so glad I added 9" to the length of the center rectangle.  My bedroom happens to be purple and this size should fit on my bed.  I will try it on there later today.

It was nice and warm yesterday so I got out to the back garden.  I wasn't able to rake leaves in the fall after my pacemaker surgery so there were a lot out there.  I wanted to get the dry leaves picked up before we get rain tonight and tomorrow.  They are even talking snow again Sunday night into Monday.  I sure hope they change that forecast.


  1. I like it!

    I think my favorite thing about it is the interplay between the blue-violet border (4th from outer-most) and the pink-violet one (7th from outer-most).

    I'm a little surprised that you copied a quilt from a book entire, instead of putting your own spin on it... but that Kaffe guy sure can design!


  2. It's just simply wonderful. My eyes enjoy the fabrics with their colors and designs. It's a fun quilt made of borders.

  3. I've enjoyed watching this quilt top come together, with such lovely fabrics getting added daily. Do you ever show quilt tops on your own bed? I bet it will look great and would happily put it on mine.
    It's a bit milder here but still doesn't feel like spring. I hope to get out tomorrow and finally cut back last years growth, which I'm afraid will include quite a few new buds popping up every day. The Clematis is about 10 foot long so definitely needs the chop. No more snow predicted here and hope it's the same for you :)

  4. A challenge is putting it mildly- you've done a great job with this beauty. 20 borders?? That would make me feel like I need to lie down for a bit. Your work is stunning.

  5. What an exquisite quilt Wanda, and since none of us enjoys doing multiple borders, definitely a labor of love and determination. I imagine you are looking forward to laying the finished quilt on your bed, and sleeping under it for the first time. What an accomplishment for you and your friend to have replicated this particular quilt, made from nothing but strips of fabric, but don't think you will be doing another such method anytime soon.

  6. Very pretty quilt and we all commiserate about the borders.

  7. So beautiful. Love the colors.

  8. That is gorgeous. I am looking forward to seeing it on your bed. Hope the snow is a no show for you.

  9. That is an incredible quilt! Kaffe's color sense is so unique and beautiful.

  10. A lot of very long strips and seams, this is another winner, and because it is for you, that is the best part of all.

  11. How beautiful! It's simultaneously delicate and rich, with the interplay of colors. All those narrow-ish borders would have me climbing the walls, I fear, but you've done it wonderfully well!

  12. Just lovely Wanda, happy you are keeping this teasure for yourself. Did your friend make one also ? Or were you both working on this together ?


  13. A wonderful quilt to sleep under, it's vibrant and yet calming at the same time, I love it!!

  14. Absolutely beautiful! I am going to make one also - such beautiful fabrics Kaffe chose - as usual!! However, you always choose great fabrics to go together, too. You were blest with an eye for it!


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