
Thursday, April 5, 2018

Top sewn...........

The Kaffe Collective 16 patch quilt top is sewn and pressed with edge staystitched to prevent ends of seams popping open.  There are lots of seams at the edges.  The blocks are 10" so it should be about 60" x 80".  I forgot to measure it last night.

The fabric are so vibrant and happy!

The large print I used is my favorite Philip Jacobs fabric.

We had a light covering of snow on the ground yesterday morning and they are predicting snow 2 more times by Monday night.  I am so ready for warm weather.


  1. The top turned out wonderful! I with you about the weather - the cold just wears me out. I hope it doesn't get hot all of sudden and we have no spring. My daffodils that are next to the house are trying hard to bloom despite the cold.

  2. I think this quilt is vibrant too! I have that same print and it is one of my favs as well!!! That warm weather comes with other amenities (like rain, hail, thunder and the threat of or actual tornados or high winds). Yep, it ruined a perfectly good Tuesday evening... the sound of the weather radio going off every 15 minutes or more for 3 hours, and then a good dose of the warning sirens too! Snow for us over the weekend... significant, they say. Yep spring!

  3. love the vibrant colors in this quilt top. My daughter a bit north of you had about 3 inches of snow the other day and y'all aren't the only ones still getting cold weather - Saturday morning we are going to be maybe at 28 with a wind chill of 25, everything that is already blossoming or leaved out will be in trouble!

  4. I enlarged the picture to see how bright and colorful this top is and it sure doesn’t disappoint. I wish I had an ivory sofa to lay a Kaffe Fassett quilt across it, but alas mine is flowered. We are having very chilly weather in the 30’s each day but I think today is in the 50’s. I read something that was funny: Help! Mother Nature is Bipolar and she’s off her meds.”

  5. You have always inspired me! Love the 16 patch, but adore the rectangle quilt; I've sworn off buying any fabric, but I NEED some of that zebra stripe!

  6. We all agree, your piece explodes with glorious color and design. And it sounds like no matter where one lives, this spring weather is wild. I LOL at Hedy Hahn's comment "Mother Nature is Bipolar and out of control". (*._.*)


  7. What a sight for spring deprived eyes! So cold and bleak here that just looking at the explosion of warm colors feels like sunshine. It is a wonderful quilt.

  8. Great quilt! I didn't even notice that there were blocks without the 16 patches until you pointed out the fabric!

  9. Just beautiful — the happy colors are a tonic for this long cold winter that just keeps hanging on. The Philip Jacobs print is a real keeper, too!

  10. Stunning - and so perfect for your late winter days when everyone is so tired of snow and dreary weather.

  11. So happy...good job...snow??/ Jeeze Louize Just too much winter

  12. Definitely vibrant and happy!! I like that you've added in the beautiful PJ floral here and there.

  13. So lovely! And then again, I like all of your quilts!


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