
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

86 more pieces..............

Two friends who I hadn't seen since November came over to sew yesterday.  While they worked on their projects I worked on the final cutting of the half hexagons with my GO die on the Studio die cutter.  I cut 32 fabrics into 86 more pieces so now I have a total of 321 pieces.  If my calculations are right I could make a quilt 81" x 104" with them.  That means I couldn't fit all of the pieces on a double design wall.  I think I will separate out one piece of each fabric, design that section and sew it and then repeat until I have enough sections for the whole quilt.  
Last night while I had 3 hours of TV to watch I decided to try a Kaffe colorwash with the 200 pieces I have already cut.  It is too choppy in several areas so I have to decide whether to dismantle it until I have more cut or specifically search for the fabrics to make it work and cut them next.

It is the end of the month and I have only finished one very small project this month.  I'll have to decide today whether I can finish anything else by midnight tonight or whether I really care if I do or not.


  1. I never did much with plaids, but I love the comforting look of them in your stacked set.

  2. I loved your last words, sometimes we just don’t care about doing things we used to think was important.

  3. Love the blues and reds in the new quilt. Even if you don't have any big finishes with all the cutting you've been doing, you should have plenty for next month haha. I've only managed sewing another 'on the go' bag for my daughter, a cushion cover, knitted 6 hats and 2 muffs, so achieving something. We've had snow the past 2 days but nothing like what you had last week. I have daffodils shoots in my front tub so I know Spring is finally (but slowly) on the way. Oh for a bit of warm sunshine..... :)

  4. I say work on what makes you happy rather than something that is only so you can claim a finish, unless the two happen to coincide. Then you have a win- win.

  5. Good morning Wanda....At this point in our lives, it's no longer relevant how much you accomplish, only that you are still ready, willing and able to. That being said, I know that energy bunny mentality just keeps you going and going! lol

  6. Enjoyed reading all the comments and agree with what Sylvia and Julie just wrote.


  7. February is such a short month. Everyone gets a free pass if they don't finish what they hoped for. Half a quilt is more impressive than a mug rug that is completed. March will bring more inspiration and lots more time.


  8. Your plaid half hexagons is interesting - and it sounds like a good plan to make it in sections if it won't all fit on your design wall. I've had to do that a time or two. And I had to laugh at your - "I'll have to decide today whether I can finish anything else by midnight tonight or whether I really care if I do or not." I decided long ago that I really don't care if I do or not - ;))


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