
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Hand stitching................

I finished the quilting and then cut the binding and sewed it on the rectangular colorwash.  I have hand stitched three sides and am just starting the 4th side, the top edge.  This is one of the tough batiks to hand stitch through.
It is always hard to decide what color binding to use when every color touches the edge of the quilt.

Still working hard on my pop-up shop which we will open Thursday at noon for subscribers of the mailing list.  They will all receive an email with a password for early access.  Everyone else will be welcome noon on Friday.  Sign up form is on my right sidebar.


  1. Lovely! Great color choice for the binding.

  2. Yes, I can see the binding could be a problem but this turned out great. I magnified the picture and the fabrics go together so well.

  3. I too enlarged your photo, and your binding is perfect. Although I hope your fingers aren't too sore today. Takes the fun out hand stitching when your fabric is so dense.


  4. I have fun pouring over your colorwashes looking for fabrics I have in my stash. Someday, I'll try a batik colorwash, but I'm not sure I have enough of some colors to make it work.


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