
Monday, January 22, 2018

First finish for 2018......

I finished the binding and sewed down the hanging sleeve and sewed on the label yesterday on this rectangular colorwash.  I have been making mostly square colorwash wallhangings the last few years so this one was a fun change.

I used a batik on the back too.

I took a couple close up shots.

I think the binding fabric looks good with all of the edge fabrics.

I did more photography and more descriptions for my pop-up shop which will open at noon Thursday for the subscribers on my mailing list and noon Friday it will be open to the public.  Haven't signed up yet?  If you want early access sign up here.


  1. I really needed that shot of color this morning. So gray and gritty around here with dirty melting snow.

  2. Another beautiful piece. I am happy to hear you are having another pop up shop. I enjoy seeing everything you have for sale and admire how much you produce!

  3. Love all those rich colors this Monday and our weather here is lovely with sunshine.

  4. Another glorious color wash finished with perfection, Wanda.


  5. I went to my second guild meeting (the first was about 5 years ago to a HUGE guild and I was very alone!) on Thursday. A lovely group of ladies. The speaker is a confessed Bonnie Hunter stalker so she showed 27 of Bonnie's quilts and talked about her organization. Of course, there's a big difference in having a few hours a week to sew or having a few hours a day to sew - but still the amount of fabric, organization, and just "go for it" attitude was so interesting to hear about and learn from. Thank you for sharing bit and pieces of your knowledge with us. I appreciate it!

  6. I really love this reminds me of sunshine and shadows in a beautiful spring garden

  7. I love the bright and happy colorwash for the first finish this year. The close up shots are always so interesting - such amazing fabrics.


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