
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2017 yearly recap............

Here are the 26 finishes from 2017.  I sold 6 of them, gifted 2.  I am doing a trunk show for the quilt guild in Sandwich IL in April so I will have some new pieces to show them.
Of the quilt tops made in 2017 a few are in the finished quilts photo.  Of the ones in this photo 3 were sold, and the rest are waiting their turn to be finished.

I ended the year with 26 quilt tops, down from 40 at the beginning of last year and down from 50 in 2015 and 2016.  That really feels good.  I make a list my tops in 3 size categories and the most (14) that need finishing are in the large category, longer than 80" on the longest edge.  The least (4) are in the medium (67-79" on the longest edge) category.  I think this year I will make more in that medium size and less large ones.
I had only one bud on the orange/peach cactus but hope there will be more later.

The second champagne color plant only had one bud too.  I am thankful for any blooms.

Yesterday morning it was -13 degrees and it got up to a high of -4 during the day.  Today will be warmer, hopefully all the way up to the 7 degrees they have predicted.


  1. That's an amazing array of quilts and tops. Thank-you for sharing your processes and finishes.

  2. Wow! You have made a beautiful display of quilts in 2017! I would love to get to see your trunk show! Great job bringing your UFOs down so much in two years. You are really working away on finishes. I too am cutting mine down. I am getting tops done and 2018 will be a quiting year.

  3. Your pictures say it all. An amazing collection of work, fresh from your hands.

  4. A wonderful spread of quilts you have here! The more I see the half hexagon the more I like it! You could just show one year of quilts and tops and the guild would get a spectacular show!

  5. What a treat for the eyes! I was hoping to see a recap for 2017.

  6. Wanda, you are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing daily your quilts, plants, and ideas. Have a wonderful 2018.

  7. Wanda, Your daily post is one of my bright spots of which I always anticipate! I have learned many techniques and how colors "play" together. I wish you the best for 2018.

  8. Awesome !! Looking forward to your trunk show !

  9. You are like the Energizer Bunny! Love your work.Beautiful collection.

  10. Wanda you are the most prolific quilter I know and I am inspired by your work every day. Thank you for sharing with us!

    I'm also wondering how you scale your photos; I know you do it so that they reflect the finished size of the quilts. But how?!

  11. The collage photos are wonderful! (How do you do that? Google Photos only allows 9 pictures to a collage.)

  12. Oh Wanda, I'm so happy you posted ALL 26 quilts. They are magnificent ! I'm enjoying studying each one.

    Your temps are colder than us here in the mountains.


  13. I always take delight in your year end report--it was fun watching your progress on the in the year. All my best to you for 2018!

  14. Here I was impressed with your many finishes. Little did I think about all the other tops you had started. You're making great progress whittling your unfinished tops down.

  15. Kudos to you for the finishes, the sales, and the reduction in tops waiting to be quilted. Like you, I am making smaller quilts that before - they are easier to handle (and quicker to finish).

  16. Wanda,

    Love love your daily blog!! And quilt inspiration.
    Is there any chance that I could be a guest at your quilt trunk show??? I live about 200 miles away, but would be so happy to hear you do your presentation!!! I would even pay a nominal fee!!!

    Sincerely in quilting,

    Jane Dallmeyer
    Washington IA.

  17. I think the larger quilts always take so long - plus on a domestic it can be a bit of a strain. I'm with you on the smaller lap sizes. I keep trying to reduce but someone always says "make it bigger for the bed". That would be my husband.

    I do love your green quilt 2nd top on the finished section at the moment. It just looks so spring-like and happy while we wait in the winter gloom.

  18. You had a very successful year! May 2018 be just as productive.

  19. Amazing!! A wonderful collection of your quilts Wanda, so vibrant.


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