
Monday, November 27, 2017

Maintenance time.............

The art quilters are coming today so it was time yesterday to wind bobbins and clean machines.  These bobbins fit two of the machines.

Here it is the end of November and they are forecasting close to 60 degrees for the next 2 days.  That is better than ice and snow at this time of the year.


  1. same type of forecast here... no turkey soup... this week. Putting all the stuff (turkey bones and some meat) in the freezer while we wait for winter. They are saying cooler by mid December????

  2. Have a fun time with the art quilters!

  3. Same here.
    Really would like some cold weather.

  4. We get close to 60 during the middle of the day, but it was 29 when I woke up today. I know you see much colder weather - but for us, that is brrr cold. At this moment your temp is the same as ours.

    I need to do some machine cleaning also. Thanks for the reminder.

  5. Do you have one of those extended throat plates made of plexiglass for your machine? And do you have a Phaff 7570 (what I have too). If so where did you get the plexiglass extender and how do you like it. I told my husband I want one for Christmas.

  6. 60 degrees . . . I could use some of that, LOL. Thanks for the reminder to clean my machines. I'm bad about sewing, and sewing and never cleaning until I start having stitch problems. I know, I'm a bad girl . . . do you vacuum, blow air in, or brush out your machine?

  7. Went to the doctor this morning and he said this weather (the swings from 60 to 30 and back) are not helping people stay well - even though the warm sunshine is glorious. Obviously LOTS of us are experiencing a warm November.

  8. It is a delightful welcome for this time of the year.

  9. Here in Virginia, we are also getting some warmer weather this week, but there is mention in next week's forecast for a few snowflakes! This year has been a strange one with unexpected changes and unseasonable weather in every season....
    I am glad to see the warmer days this week, though, as I have a bit of clean-up work yet to finish up in the garden....
    Hopefully, I can check this off my to-do list before the end of the week!
    Sandra B

  10. We've had a few days of warm temps again and last night at 8:30 it was still 57 degrees ! Winter is trying to creep in but so far autumn seems to be winning. Our local ski area had to close because of loosing so much snow. All the lawns are still bright green. (*._.*)

    You certainly make it easy for your art quilters, just pick up pre-wound bobbins, so they can sew for hours without interruption.


  11. That reminds me: I have to oil my machine and change the needle!

  12. We have also had unseasonably here in Utah, but today was blustery and the wind blew in a small storm - rain in the valley, a little snow in the mountain. We enjoy the warmer weather, but if it doesn't get cold and snow, we'll be short of water next summer! So I am hoping we get into our winter season sometime, even though I don't care for the cold.

    It's so thoughtful of you to wind bobbins for your art quilters. I didn't realize they use your machines when the group meets.

    Kathi Harris (

  13. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.netNovember 28, 2017 at 1:41 PM

    Wish I could be one of your art quilters. I think I could learn so much from you.


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