
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The back garden...........

The back garden is really showing signs of fall.  The Rudbeckia which was so huge and full of flowers is dying back.  The birds will love all of the seed heads.  Now I can see the Cannas better.  I won't be digging up the bulbs this year so I'll find out if they can survive our winter.  I have 2 pots with them that I will bring inside and plant again next year.  I'm glad I worked on the back garden as much as I did because I won't be doing much to it now.
The leaves on the walnut trees are turning yellow and it looks they have already dropped the walnuts.  The Redbud trees have some yellow leaves too.  They usually lose almost all of their leaves in just a day or two but I don't think they are ready yet.  We got 3/4" of rain Monday night and it really is the most we have had for almost 3 weeks.


  1. I think fall will come fast this year. Predicting much cooler temps for us the next week or so. I don't think Cannas are cold tolerant (N IL cold), might have a chance in N KY zone. My walnut looks the same... but still clinging to the walnuts. I am going to miss the bright sunny days....

  2. I kept a bed of cannas going over several winters by covering the bed with black plastic trash bags full of leaves with a splash of water.....the decomposition evidently created enough heat to protect the cannas. Of course the bed was around a side of the house we didn't visit often, you might not want black plastic trash bags in your back garden!


  3. Ceci's idea is a good one, or some other thick mulching perhaps. It's lovely to see the change of season in a garden, and nice to see you're getting out and enjoying it.

  4. Yes, your garden is similar to ours. When I look out my front windows, all I see is a lovely gold with some green. Leaves are all over my yard and I can see the mold on the leaves (which causes my body to get ill). It's a season of Claritin and Mucinex for me each August and September. I will do my garden work after the first frost.

  5. Always enjoy your garden photos... I compare them to where my gardens are at. Today we got lots of snow in the mountains right down to the foot hills. A very gentle misty rain down here in the valley. I still need to get in my gardens and ready them for the winter.... My back garden grew into a wild jungle garden, because I could not get out and work with our air quality unhealthy to hazardous from our horrid forest fire smoke since August 4 th.


  6. Oh yes, Autumn seems to come along so quickly doesn't it. All of a sudden we see plants that need tidying or moving to a more sheltered spot. I actually quite like Autumn and love to see a carpet of gloriously coloured leaves on the ground.


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