
Thursday, September 21, 2017

Needing 4 more pieces..........

I needed to get this flannel baby quilt sewn so I can use the table top.  I need to cut 4 more tumbler pieces before I can sew the last 4 rows on.  I usually have a little pile of flannel scraps that I put near the big boxes of flannel but last night I couldn't find any.  The box of flannel that I need is on the bottom of a stack of 3 boxes and I can't lift anything heavy right now so I'll keep looking for random scraps laying around.  I'm sure I'll find some.  

My granddaughter drove as we completed some errands yesterday morning and then in the afternoon I had a nice visit from the pastor of my church.  We are in our heat spell now, 90's in late September.  One weatherman says we will probably set a new record on the next 2 days.  It sounds like it will be next Tues. before we have relief.


  1. It is kind of funny picturing you wandering around looking for flannel scraps.

  2. I'm pretty impressed that most of the flannel is in a known spot.....I really need a time dedicated to organization to get beyond the current random storage/vague memory system I have right now!

    Don't envy you the heat wave, good thing you have a cool inside place to work!


  3. I am sure it is a bit frustrating, knowing where the fabric is -and not being able to move the boxes to get it.

  4. I hope you find some scraps so you can finish this top.

    The heat has been awful here too. We have had no rain for weeks. I feel bad for the construction guys on my jobsite working all day in this heat. I had to go out yesterday on my afternoon walk thru the site and the sweat just dripped off me.

  5. how much longer before you can lift things? hope it isn't real long. It is hot here too and surprised you have the same temps - my daughter was just telling me yesterday that they had 90 also but humid whereas we had low humidity so it actually wasn't too bad if I sat out on the porch for a little bit to get out of the house and the A/C - a/c makes me chilled sometimes but can't seem to do without it when it is 90 outside!

  6. Our temp was 96 as I was driving in my car, they said it would get to 94 with a heat index of 100 and we surpassed that. No rain but a few minutes sprinkle the other day. Leaves all over our yard, such strange weather. Your flannel top is looking good.

  7. Your tumbler quilt is really coming along. I hope you are able to find the scraps you need to get it done. I know how healing takes a long time and it seems like you just can't do what you want but hang in there and one day at a time it all improves. I do hope you are feeling much better and want you to know that I really enjoy all your beautiful posts of your quilts and garden. Just take good care of you. HUGS

  8. You must be getting our September heat. You can send it back anytime.

    I can imagine how frustrating it must be for you to not be able to get to that fabric.


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