
Saturday, September 9, 2017

Sewing a little..........

My daughter-in-law stopped yesterday afternoon with an elephant ear from the fair for me.  It was still warm!  Yum!!  Deep fried bread dough, butter, sugar and cinnamon, what could be better.
While she was here I asked if we could make a path to my sewing machine.  She moved the dining room chairs out and rearranged the bookshelves on wheels.

Next I needed to clean off the top of the cabinet.  Most of it was just shifted over to a shelf on the rolling cart.

Remember the little 2" pinwheels made of the Australian fabrics?  The fabric I thought I was going to use as alternate squares didn't work so I used this yellow one.  The squares are 2" finished so you can do the math to see how little it is.  I will have more fabric to cut the little triangles from when I cut the rest of the Hunter Star blocks so I may add on to this later.

In the spring and summer I pull out all of the Goldenrod that I see but there are always a few plants that I miss.  This one is out by the raised tomato plant bed.


  1. Yay! You are on the road to recovery and I love the yellow with the pinwheels....wonderful combo.

  2. I think you are definitely recovering because you now have a path to your sewing machine. Love that yellow.

  3. Yay! You're sewing again!! (Elephant ears sound wonderful.)

  4. Good to see the machine in the clear. I get weak in the knees seeing all that fabric on your shelves.

  5. A little fair food, and access to sewing, I'm sure that brightened your day!

  6. My mouth is watering for that Elephant Ear you just had to post for all of us to look at! So happy you are able to sew again, even if you are limited by space and #of pounds you can lift at this time. It's always good to have family around! Hugs

  7. A little bit of stitching is good for the soul and body! Keep on improving and getting back to normal life and things that you love.

  8. Yummy! Elephant ear would endear me to anyone who brings it.

  9. Sounds like you are getting back to normal. Isn't that fantastic! Love your tiny pinwheels.

  10. The yellow you used for the pinwheels is perfect!

  11. Happy to hear you are sewing once again--anyone bringing me an Elephant ear would be a friend for life that is for sure!!
    Hugs, Julierose

  12. Wanda! I'm just now catching up on reading some of my favorite blogs. You get the "prize" for the biggest surprise! YIKES. So glad you got diagnosed and treated and so scary to think about what might have happened if you ignored whatever was going on. So glad you are on the road to recovery and getting your mojo back! Jan

  13. The yellow fabric is perfect with the pinwheels! The lines on the yellow make the pinwheels spin!.....And that little bit of golden rod is so pretty with the greenery surrounding it! Small pieces of fabric aren't heavy, so maybe you can play around a little bit now that you have the path cleared! Lots of exclamation marks, but just so happy to read about you daily progress!!

  14. Fabulous! Love the pinwheels. Pleased that you can get to sewing a bit - doing what you love must be a terrific boost to recovery. :D

  15. An elephant ear and pinwheels! What a good way to help recover. I've been praying for you as health challenges disrupt our routine and redefine normal. I hope you are feeling better each day. By the way, your new carpet was a great choice. Take care.

  16. I'm not much of a fan of the yellow & gray trend and now the yellow & black trend, but that fabric choice was perfect to break up the monotony of the pinwheels - it gives it such movement! I've never had an elephant's ear, but sounds yummy and reminds me of the crispies we used to get, which were likely made with a blitz puff pastry, butter and cinnamon-sugar on top. Then there's the ones that are rolled to shape kind of like tulips of similar dough. So yummy. They are baked though, I believe, not fried. If it's buttery and cinnamon, count me in -- the only thing better is with almonds of some kind. We have a Dutch oven bakery nearbye that has pastries that are so delicious and tempting. Almond Horns are my favorite, but the raspberry tarts are equally wonderful. It's dangerous to go there, but the lunches are great. Also, the Dutch candy shop is only a couple blocks away, even more dangerous!

  17. I know Goldenrod is considered a weed, but it's actually the State flower of my State (or Commonwealth), Kentucky! And I think it's a beautiful flower! I like lots of other "weeds" as well! But then, I'm no Gardner, so maybe that explains it?


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