
Friday, September 8, 2017

Lonely couch..........

Don't the couch and desk look lonely?  It will be at least 3 days before the rest of the furniture is moved back in.  I know it looks kind of gray in a photo but the carpeting is taupe, black and white tweed.  Taupe is a grayed beige so I figured when the time comes for repainting either gray or beige will work on the walls.

Today I will be visiting my primary care doctor and next week I will be going to the device lab to have my pacemaker and my incision checked.  Only 3 more weeks before I can raise my left arm above shoulder level.  Reading the pacemaker manual is sobering.  No cell phone or cordless phone within 6" of my pacemaker but using a microwave oven is safe.   Lots to remember.


  1. The room looks spacious, and I like the carpet. I'm sure it will look great when the furniture is returned. Take care of yourself.

  2. What, you have to give up all that texting? Just kidding. As long as you can get close to a sewing machine. Super big change is tough.

  3. Gee I hope I never need a pacemaker. My phone sometimes travels in my shirt pocket and I even lay it on my chest on speakerphone to talk sometimes. Remembering that six inch rule would make me crazy.

  4. The carpet looks great. Good for your reading the owner's manual for your pacemaker. I would be a bad patient and probably not read it.

  5. I had never heard the cell phone rule I wonder have the changed the rule of being near a microwave? Are you not suppose to use a cell phone or make sure it is away from your left side? So many rules!

  6. I think in the carpet compliments the walls and the fireplace nicely.

    I love getting your blog updates. I am not a batik girl thou, I mainly sew with civil war fabrics for myself. I would like to make a quilt for a friend and she likes more modern fabric, so I may have to purchase a kit somewhere since I have zero batik! I really like batik, but my love is civil war.

    Take care and follow the rules. (I'm usually a rule follower)

  7. Your living room looks YUGE with just a few pieces in. I really like your new carpeting.

    Hope you are getting some rest.

  8. The carpet looks great, I love taupe and wish it were more common when we were looking at carpet. Though in reality, hard surface throughout would truly be my preference.

    I'm sure you'll get used to the 6" rule about cell phone fast. As far as microwaves, I suspect the pacemaker manufacturers made changes so the pacemakers are not bothered by them any more. Knowing what a rowdy h*ll-raiser party girl you are, what you really need to remember is don't go getting getting yourself on the receiving end of a tazer. :-) KIDDING!

  9. It's always very sobering to find out what we need to do to maintain good health as we get older. Not always fun, is it ?

  10. The new carpet looks lovely and must be so nice to have. Hope everything gets back in place quickly. Sending prayers and healing thoughts for a speeding recovery with no complications.

  11. That looks so nice! Replacing carpet is one of those things that feels so good when it's done.

  12. Hi Wanda. My mom has a pacemaker, and it's made her life a lot better. You'll be fine. My mom was a bit freaked out at first too. The only thing we have to remember is that she has to tell the security guys at the airport when she travels.


  13. Already you are thinking about what you will paint the walls next time around (*._.*) . Just love the way you think. Right now it is lovely and I know in person it looks even better.

    Knowing you have followed Dr.'s orders, I'm sure you will get a good check up today.


  14. I just read about your pacemaker and health issues. I'm so glad it's getting resolved. You might try a blue tooth enabled headset to help with the 6 " rule. It may make it easier to use the cell phone. I love the new carpet. So pretty. I bet new wall paint won't be too far behind....
    Take care,

  15. Your room does look good and you have your cosy corner so that's the main thing. Hope all goes well with your visit to your doctor and the three weeks will soon pass!

  16. How clever to read the manual! Good luck at the doctor's today and next week.


  17. The carpet is a very practical color! And the quilt above the couch goes a long way to cheer up the room. You're a lot better off with not enough furniture, than too much. Most of us, I think, have too much stuff. It's easier to add things, somehow, than to get rid of some of all the things (read junk?) we have. I just spent time going through my dad's things after he died, and it was eye opening. I thought long and hard about how I needed to come home and go through all my own stuff, but will I actually do it? I hope so, but it already seems like a lot more trouble than I really want to expend!

  18. Good job reading the manual. My daughter has had a pacemaker for six years - I don't think she abides by that rule.


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