
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Playing, cleaning.......

I started cleaning the area of the basement under the dining room and hallway.  When they put in the new carpeting all kinds of grit filtered down through the floor boards.  Luckily there is a drywall ceiling in the area under the 15' x 30' living room.  The carpet was laid 6 days after my pacemaker surgery so I didn't even think about the dirt sifting down.  I have all of the table tops and the floor clean in that area now.  While I was down there I pulled out the batik orphan block box and looked through it.  The new rust orphan blocks are going to be quite a contrast with the rest of the blocks.  Here is the first orphan block quilt I made.
Last night the new season shows were on TV so I needed 3 hours of sewing to do.  There is a new book coming out in about 3 weeks from C&T publishing by Maria Shell.  Check it out here.  Look at the 3rd image from the book.  I have always loved Maria's quilts and now I can try some of her blocks.  I used the strips that I sorted back on day 6 of my recuperation.


  1. Yes, this is your kind of book. I'm much more of a traditional quilter but I always love to look at whatever you make.

  2. Whenever I try to make little boxes with the frames, I have a hard time lining all those rows up. The orphan blocks are beautiful, fresh colors.

  3. That book looks exciting. I always have admired Maria's work. The color palette is so fun.

  4. Day 6---the best! You're moving along. Congrats!!

  5. Good morning Wanda.....Just wanted to say that I much prefer your interpretation of the block because of the fact that you made a square instead of the elongated block in the picture, which looks like a tall, narrow building with windows. Love your colors as well.

  6. P.s. Looked again and realized it was not square, but also not a skyscraper. lol

  7. I love the photos from that book Do my eyes deceive me or does each piece have a bit of a curve in there with the straight lines?

  8. For a girl undergoing a recuperation time, you sure don't let any moss grow under your feet :) Your blocks are all so pretty, this will be an interesting quilt for sure.

  9. I really like your blocks, and they have lovely fabrics too, like always, you have that " special eye" for combinations. Keep on keeping well.

  10. Pretty soon you will be fully recovered. Phew! Love the blocks!

  11. Wanda... Your stash always amazes me. From orphan blocks to fabric your posts always entertain me, my treat for the day. (*._.*)


  12. I have had that book on pre-order for a long time now - looking forward to its arrival. Your orphan blocks look so pretty all spread out!

  13. Occasionally I have lunch with my husband's aunt, who is also a quilter. I was telling her the other day that I had seen a new ruler (new to me) - a rhombus 10" from the Missouri Star Quilt Company and I liked the pattern on the accompanying video. She surprised me by buying it and sending it to me. I made a test block to see how it went together, etc. The fabulous news is I love it - the construction, the pattern, etc. The bad news is I now have another (Large) orphan block! But that's not really all that terrible. I can't wait to make a whole quilt. Just one more thing to finish because I can start.

  14. The Maria Shell book looks interesting, I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

    Your orphan blocks - do you make a trial block before committing to a full quilt, purposely make extra blocks, or randomly pick a block to use up scraps? All of the above depending on the situation?

    I'm happy to read all is going well with the pacemaker recovery. I'd have to wear a leash on my arm tied to my waist to keep myself from reaching too high. Isn't it amazing how much crud filters down through the carpet to the subfloor? No wonder so many people with dust allergies hate carpet.

  15. I'm a bit slow reading your post properly. I would NEVER have thought to come up with your blocks by looking at that picture. The picture to me is pretty boring, but your blocks are just wonderful. You always amaze me with your quilts. Keep up the good work and know that people are thinking about you when you're in pain.

  16. I'm only just catching up with reading posts (ill for 10 days) I'm looking forward to seeing another orphan block quilt on your design wall and your grid blocks are beauties - I have the Maria Shell book on order - doit looks wonderful!


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