
Saturday, August 5, 2017

A diversion...........

Debbie at the blog A Quilter's Table announced a quilt along on Monday.  I was itching to join in but had too many things going on earlier in the week.  Last night I had to have some fun.  I had starting making a bunch of the strip sets in January 2016 and had all of them in a project bag.  Here is where I played with them on my design wall.  I thought they were all too dark and just put them away for awhile.
This is the new batch I made last night.  I am using the cutaway strips from when I straighten the edge of my batiks before I cut for a project.  They are usually wider at one end than the other and slightly crooked.  All of these pieces are a little over 10" tall so they could be cut in half for 5" wide pieces.  

This is the old batch from over a year and a half ago.  Soon Debbie is going to post again about the quilt along so hopefully I'll get  some ideas of a direction to go with all of my strip sets.  Meanwhile I had a lot of fun sewing while I watched 3 episodes of a Netflix show.


  1. Looking good! I wanted to join in but have too many other things going right now.

  2. I definitely need to sit down and do this. Love the way yours are turning out.

  3. Love your stripes! This looks like a fun quilt along. Too bad I have too many irons in the fire right now! :)

  4. I've been watching that QAL too. It looks like fun, but I haven't taken the dive into it yet. Your strips will be perfect.

  5. I'm all in favor of the occasional diversion. Enjoy!

  6. Better late than never with the strips, the'yre looking good ! This is one I would have like to join but didn't have the time, perhaps in a few weeks time. Your blocks are a good size at 10", scope for lots of different cuts if you need to.

  7. Oh it's great you are taking what you had and adding more! I see in your sidebar you have lots of experience with improv stripes. Nice!

  8. another temptation you`ve put my way! Have quite a lot of strips but not enough of any one colour to make individual blocks maybe will have to invade my stash!

  9. Stitching these strip sets was LOTS of fun in my studio, too. I have mine laid out but ended up spending today stitching a whole different project. All in good time.

  10. I saw this and I wish I could participate, but I have to concentrate on my R.E.M. piece right now. I will be interested in the quilts that result from this quilt-a-long.


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