
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Making a mess first.........

I had cut a lot of triangles from floral fabrics for a friend and it was time to reorganize the floral fabrics.  To organize I make a mess first. The fabrics were in the 2 big bins, the one on its side and the blue one.  I divided them by large prints, prints to use for colorwash, prints to cut the small squares for my Seed Packet quilt, miscellaneous, and a pile to pass on to someone else.  Next I need to cut all of the ones for colorwash and Seed Packet and then pack the rest back into the boxes.
In May and twice earlier I took pictures of the backyard in three shots going across it. Click Here for the post from the first week of May and in that post is a link to earlier photos if you are interested in checking it out. It goes from a bare ground view all winter to all of this lush growth in the summer.
I didn't get the shots exactly in the same places as last time but close.  Click on the photos for a closer look.

The peony bushes cover about a fourth of the area.  Five years ago we had an extremely hot and dry summer and this was major 4 ft. tall weeds all through the garden.  Three years ago I started tackling the clean up and I'm really happy with the way it all looks now.


  1. A little work in the yard can be so rewarding!!! It looks great. This house has been here almost 30 years and the lack of landscaping is confusing to me. But slowly making some changes!!!

  2. Your yard is ooking great. I like the full garden spots and my husband like the tailored look so he is doing the work so I let him go.
    I need to do a major cutting session also. It will have to be over the weekend the girls are coming today. Stay cool. Chris

  3. What a wonderful luch back garden. I would be proud of it too. And the mess of floral fabrics is a delight for me to see:)

  4. Your garden is amazing! Your efforts are showing! Organizing fabric can be a big job, but well worth it in the end. Maybe you will find some treasures!

  5. Lush is the word for how everything looks around here this year. I spent a couple of days in a cottage south of the city on Lake Erie, and the dampness and rain has caused tons of growth. Everything is all filled in and of course, the weeds also. So different from the heat and drought last year. I need an expert in fabric sorting to help me out of my mountain of ideas!

  6. Your floral stash has always been impressive! I have picked up a few pieces here and there but florals are one of the weaker areas of my stash. Good for you with the garden and tracking photos - so wonderfully green and pretty.

  7. I love your back yard landscape. What a soothing place it would be to sit in a comfy chair with a good book. Your hard work is paying off.

  8. The back gardens do look wonderful! That represents a lot of hard work in this crazy weather we have been having. Your dedication to it is well represented in the results!
    I'd like to make a seed packet quilt someday. Yours is beautiful!

  9. I love your back yard. Now you need some kind of bench or rocking chair for it.

  10. To be an artist you have to make a mess...that's my theory anyway. Look at all the beautiful projects that have arisen from these messes. :) Wanda, your garden looks fantastic! I managed to do a small area in my front yard. Need to continue on...after the rainy days end! I have a beautiful lily blooming now that I had honestly forgotten I planted...looks like ones my grandma had she called "rhubrum lilies."

  11. I love the idea of the comparison photos. The garden looks so lush and pretty.

  12. lovely nice to work outside..xo

  13. I see you have had a good sort out of you fabrics and as for the garden well you know how envious I am of it so lovely and you have worked so hard to make it beautiful. I ought to start putting a few photos of mine on my blog as I do take lots of photos.

  14. Your garden is looking so lush right now Wanda, I love the stacks of fabrics on your table - and the floor. We never seem to have enough room do we!

  15. Your garden looks like the most lovely, lush retreat one could hope to see! I did go back and look at the older posts - what a difference! It is really stunning and so, so rich. I bet a visitor would feel like they were finding surprises at each turn with all the different flowers! Love it!


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