
Thursday, June 15, 2017


Wow, what a storm that turned out to be.  They think it might have been a microburst.  My power came on somewhere around 4 a.m. so it was off for about 11 hours.  Poles with electrical wires blew down north of town.  Some areas south of me still didn't have power as of 8 this morning.  My son had a tree fall on his truck in his driveway as well as losing a tree in his backyard.  He lives about 3 miles from me.  Lots of big branches and trees down here in town.  

I bought Dahlia bulbs last year when they went down to half price and I had a yellow one bloom last year.  I kept the pots in the garage all winter and now all 4 pots have healthy plants.  My first bloom is a deep maroon.  It is the dinner plate variety but this bloom isn't very big.  There is another bud on this plant and none so far on the other 3.

Since I sew late in the day I only got about a half hour of free motion quilting in on the blue African modular quilt before the power went out around 5 p.m. yesterday.  It was not a restful night of sleep with the humidity last night.


  1. That sounds bad all around, especially your son's truck. Glad you're all ok and power restored.

  2. No storms here, a little rain this morning after I watered. However the humidity went way up. I do have a treadle and an LED lantern if the power goes out, but can't press anything. At least the tree did not fall on your son's house.

  3. I've been through a microburst and they cam be powerful and scary. Glad you have power back. Sure am sorry about your son's damages.

  4. sounds like a bad storm! like ours are in the fall and spring! sorry about the tree on your son's truck - a total loss? glad you didn't have damage to your house and are ok

  5. Good to know you and your family are ok -trucks are replaceable. That Dahlia bloom is very pretty. I love seeing photo's of your garden :)

  6. Our storm was a doozy too with electric off and on for hours. Branches all over the yard and tons of new leaves on deck. Your dahlia sure is pretty.

  7. We had trees down in this area also, I'm glad you only had to deal with no electricity. Too bad about your son's truck, that's sort of like adding insult to injury, having a tree to clean up and nothing to haul it away in.

    I like the color of that dalia, don't the dinner plate ones need special pampering to get dinner plate size? Or am I thinking of another flower?

  8. That storm sounded really scary! Hope nobody was hurt by the damage. And glad your son wasn't in the vehicle at the time!

  9. Gorgeous deep colour on the dahlia - sounds like there'll be a huge cleanup around the town, lucky no-one hurt at your son's place.

  10. I hate being without electricity - you don't realize how dependent you are on it when you can't do anything. I'm glad it is back and you are okay. It's too bad your son had a tree fall on his truck. Glad he is okay.


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