
Monday, April 24, 2017

Star blocks........

I designed three more blocks yesterday.  I'm out of triangle squares again so I will be cutting more triangles soon.

 I wanted to get some red into this quilt.

I love the wild fabric in the plain squares.

Here they are sewn and mixed in with the other previously sewn blocks.  At this point I'm thinking about 20 blocks.  The quilt has to be rectangular.  Square quilts are too short and too wide to cover a body on the couch.  Rectangular quilts cover a body better.

Almost all of the triangles left in the box are light so I will be looking for dark and medium batik scraps to cut.

I mowed the grass again yesterday, the second time this spring.  The front yard really needed it.  My backyard is mostly shade grass that doesn't grow as fast.  I mowed about 2/3 of the backyard.  The rest hasn't grown that much.  Next time I'll have to do the whole yard.

I really enjoyed all of the stories about scraps in the comments yesterday.  Unfortunately the Google+ commenters are almost always NO REPLY so I couldn't respond to them.


  1. Those blocks certainly chew through a lot of triangles! I love how you can just throw in some colors like the red and the wild and be confident it will all look right together. And it does. I need some of that.

  2. great blocks. I started to collect a box of triangles from my accuquilt die but need a lot more before I get started on making something like this - I don't have the wild colors you have though and will need a lot more cut before I even think of making a quilt with them, I have a lot more scraps to go through

  3. You do have a great variety of batik fabrics. I love the red in it.

  4. The star blocks are coming along great! The red does add some zing!

  5. What size are your triangles and squares for those beautiful blocks you are making? I really like how they are all unique in color placement but go so well together.

  6. Loving these blocks--I'd be throwing in lots of orange and lime. I love the zebra fabric--that block would make a gorgeous mono-tonal quilt.

  7. Those are fabulous. Love that wild print in it.

  8. This is so pretty! really inspired by your vision of a cohesive scrappy top! ... It is still snowing here! Granted it is a little unusual, but still. I wish I was mowing a lawn. :)

  9. Love the little pops of red in your stars. Very pretty.

  10. Those blocks look great. I love the star points being the same colors and the squares running diagonally being the same too. It makes the blocks more cohesive, love, love scrappy quilts!

  11. Enjoying watching the star blocks grow. Your eye for combining your fabrics always makes me smile.

    I see your "Accu Weather" says 70 degrees and sunshine... I am so jealous ~ warm spring temps are still struggling to come in and stay here in the valley.


  12. I too love the wild fabric in place of the plains in your last block, fun watching this quilt take shape.

  13. I love the symmetry in these blocks, and the finished quilt will be another beauty.

  14. I was also wondering about the size of these star blocks. It must be fun to play with the colors for each one.


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