
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Dark triangles........

My two friends came over yesterday to sew and I spent the day cutting with my die cutter.  I concentrated on cutting dark triangles since I had only light ones left.  After sewing last night now I have piles of dark triangles left over so I'll have to cut more light ones.  I need to count how many I still need for 7 more blocks.

For everyone asking (and most of you were NO REPLY so I can't email you) I am using 2" finished units for 12" finished blocks.  If I used 1.5" finished my blocks would be 9", 2.5" finished my blocks would be 15" and if I used 3" finished my blocks would be 18".  You can make these blocks any size you want that is divisible by 6 since it is a 36 patch block. 

Here is one more photo of part of my pink back yard.  We are supposed to get rain several times from Wed. night through Sunday so it will probably knock the petals off.


  1. it's so boring to say huw beatiful it is but it is
    next time I put a xxx

  2. Thanks for the block math. We have rain this morning, but it is real gentle so hopefully all the petals will stay on. Everything looks like fairyland now. All those triangles look promising.

  3. Too funny - you needed dark triangles so now you need light triangles. It sounds like the way I work although you are a bit more of a counter than I am. I like the addition of the purple-red.

  4. The same thing happens to the blooming trees here - they reach their sweet spots and then it rains hard and creates pink "snow" covered ground.

  5. Really pretty tree. I love spring!

  6. Your pretty little triangles make such beautiful stars... Your Redbud trees get prettier by the day. Enjoy them now, as you mentioned with the rain will soon be taking the blossoms away.


  7. I love all your quilts and how you use color. What kind of a die cutter do you have?

  8. how colourful the quilt is gong to be. Shame you will lose the blossom here it is the wind that you can guarantee will come when the blossom is looking so pretty and blow it all off,

  9. Good stuff, love the formation and the way triangle forming squares, Thank you for sharing lovely post with us and keep posting such posts..


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