
Thursday, January 5, 2017

First quilting of 2017,,,,,,,,,

This is the small quilt I loaded on the longarm on Tuesday.  I made the top in 2009.  It is 42" x 56" so I didn't have to piece the backing.

I just did a large meander on it.

This is my choice for binding.  It changes to many shades of green in the print so it will go with all of the greens in the quilt.

I had many inquiries about the ruler I'm using for the purple quilt.  It was in the photo the day I showed the book and I thought readers would click on that photo to enlarge it to see the name of the pattern and at the same time they would see the ruler.  I post my photos with a large number of pixels so when you click on them they enlarge twice in most cases.  I have also turned off the Lightbox feature that so many people use.  Photos won't enlarge if they are using that feature.
Here is the photo I posted previously.  See the ruler on the book?



  1. Thank you for always trying to teach us. :) You remain an inspiration and I'm grateful for your daily posts. Your blog title was exceptionally well chosen.

  2. The greens are so soothing on a cold gray winter day. The quilt looks terrific done.

  3. What a pretty green quilt! It's so satisfying to get that first one done for the year!

  4. what color thread did you use on that quilt for quilting? I can't tell even with enlarging the photo - it really blends in well. The current quilt top that I am making will be another one for me to practice my machine quilting on and I really want the thread to blend with with reds/blues and white mainly-plus other colors -I haven't decided what color to use, I was thinking a light gray

  5. Thank you, Wanda -- that ruler is now on order and coming to live at my house. It will be perfect to use for the grandson's next Christmas quilt (fabrics waiting for the right idea - which you have shared here).

  6. p.s. LOVE those greens -- it is SO gray here (mixed with drab khaki on the ground).

  7. Thank you so much for the extra pixels!! I read your blog first thing in the AM , and am generally struggling in from outer space. Now that I know WHY you have all those pixels, you should get some peace and quiet from my end--LOL!!

  8. Lovely variety of greens and all those HTS in the quilt , looking forward to seeing the finished quilt.

  9. Can you post a brief explanation of how the Creative Grids Straight Out of Line ruler works and how you used it to make that awesome purple wonky-squared block?

    If you have explained this previously, can you point me to that posting?

    Thanks for the creative inspiration!

  10. Funny, I occasionally have a physical reaction to your quilts. I felt an actual shiver of delight looking at this green one. You, surrounded by them, must be delighted all the time!

  11. Never mind on my previous request for information about the Creative Grids Straight Out of Line ruler. I found a great YouTube video that demonstrates how to use it.

    Your quilts are terrific. Thank you for sharing them.

  12. Love the green quilt, I have so many green fabrics in my stash, I should make one too. Thank you for the large clickable photos; nothing irks me more than wee tiny photos on a blog.

  13. That green quilt is just the ticket on a cold snowy day! And thanks for the note about your pictures, how nice to get a closer look at some of your gorgeous work.

  14. Beautiful Spring and Summer greens Wanda, and I hadn't picked up the ruler in your post, now I have and I have a few Creative Grid rulers, love them.


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