
Friday, January 6, 2017

Binding started.........

The binding is started on the green Lady of the Lake quilt.  I decided to hand finish this one.  My goal is to have it done by Saturday night and post the photo of the finished quilt on Sunday morning.
I worked many hours in the basement again yesterday, choosing backings, doing laundry, ironing fabric.  I also did the staystitching around the purple 16 patch and I was admiring the back with the seams so neat and tidy.  I decided to post a photo of it.  This is the result of following my 16 patch tutorial.  I love tidy backsides on my quilt tops.  

My two friends are coming over today to sew and I hope to piece several backs for the quilts next in line for finishing.


  1. Why do you staystich around the block? Is it so it doesn't stretch out of shape? If so, how close to the edge to you stich? Any info will be helpful.

  2. I just love the pink polka dot setting triangles! I appreciate the tidiness of your quilt top back. Now that I longarm my quilts, it is crucial to have the seams tidy and flat. I am trying to gather up some quilts to finish as I am going to a quilt retreat today. Hopefully, a number of these hanger ons will get finished.

  3. The green binding looks so good! I was always taught neatness counts on the backside as well as the front. In 4-H the judges always looked at the inside of a garment. I believe if a project looks good on the inside/backside the front will look good.

  4. I love tidy backs too and am trying to get better at them. Enjoy your sewing day with friends!

  5. progress - you get a lot done. Love both of those projects

  6. I love tidy backs too. Don't always get them though!!

  7. I love the green quilt - traditional with a modern, cheerful palette.
    Happy New Year, Wanda. I have been enjoying your blog for a long time.
    Andrea in Minnesota

  8. Your quilt backs ARE tidy - I've seen them in person. Love those greens . . .

  9. I sure love the green lady if the lake quilt!

  10. Love, love, LOVE that Lady of the Lake!!! Hope you had a great day sewing with your friends.


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