
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Moving furniture..........

Since I moved the serger cabinet out of my studio I have room for my bookcase in there now.  The red edge on the right is the kitchen wall.

Turning to the left this is the rest of the wall.  It is about 15 feet.  I'm so happy to have a design wall on the main floor now too.  The other 8 design walls are in the basement.

I did some more baking and making Chex mix and then started putting books back into the bookcase.  

Tomorrow I'll show what went into the spot where the bookcase used to be.  I thought I had taken a photo but it is on my cell phone and isn't very clear so I'll take another photo today.



  1. Just popped in to wish you a Merry Christmas and a memorable time with your family. Tonight we will be with our son who lives in Yorkville, and tomorrow we travel to Addison to spend Christmas with the rest of the family at one of our granddaughter's home.
    I'm very happy the weather is cooperating and traveling should not be a problem.
    Have a wonderful Christmas Wanda and enjoy the day.

  2. Merry Christmas! Looks awful neat around your place for all the sewing that goes on. Wish I could be sewing right now!

  3. Eight design walls?!?! I love it. Although you aren't talking about the quilt today, it is fabulous!! Have a very Merry Christmas filled with joy, hope, and love.

  4. I echo the previous comment: "eight design walls"! And I couldn't help but note the wall-mounted telephone.
    Are you committed to that light batik for the inner and outer borders? What if you tried something bolder?

  5. You have been busy! Everything is looking very organized. It's going to be interesting to see things on a new design wall. I always love seeing what new and colorful thing you've been doing! Merry Christmas, Wanda!

  6. Like that new arrangement! I know you will enjoy it!


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