
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Quilting again..........

This is the quilt I loaded and quilted last night.  I took this photo before I was finished but I did get it done and trimmed it.  I think the binding will be the same fabric as the border.
My inside garden is doing well.  These three cacti have the most buds and blooms.

Our little town has had a leaf vacuum for about 3 years now.  Usually I don't rake leaves and leave them to protect my perennials in the back garden.  My maple tree is getting big now and drops a lot more leaves so I have raked twice and brought them out to the edge of the street for pickup.  
It took about 5 seconds for the leaves to disappear.


  1. It is great that they vacuum the leaves. I am guessing that they mulch them so that they can replenish the earth somewhere.

  2. Leaves..... were not a big problem in S Cali. In Nebraska they just blew on down to Kansas and here we have a few... but mostly from the neighbors poplar, we have a curbside pickup but they want them bagged in plastic, nope-NO WAY. Our big branches and other yard waste disappears with a big city truck with a claw!!!

  3. Know you have a lot of quilt tops to finish, so it is great to see a finish.
    And this one is a great one:)

  4. wow that would come in handy here! I do some raking and a lot of mulching by using the riding mower - the connection to the bag on the mower doesn't work right and is constantly clogged so I no longer use that part of it, instead I just ride over the leaves several times to mulch aiming them in the direction I want to cover plants then use the rake to finish the job - goes much faster than raking alone and the mulching is probably better for coverage for the plants with the yard as big as it is and the trees loosing leaves at different times it has to be done several times.

  5. I finished quilting a lap size comfort quilt yesterday. Have to wash it and get it delivered today. I have another one to load on, but don't think I will be able to do it before Thanksgiving as I am cooking. My Christmas cactus are going full bore.

  6. Good morning Wanda.....Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and hope you will be with family to celebrate. I know you are SuperWanda, but being able to rake all those leaves, being a person of a certain age, is remarkable. It makes my arms and shoulders ache just thinking of it. Love the colorful quilt, but then, all of your quilts are colorful. Looks like we're in for a couple of cloudy and rainy days.

  7. Good going getting another quilt quilted! Around here the city puts a flat perforated panel on the front of the street sweepers and the push all the leaves into one gigantic pile that blocks half the street. The next day a truck comes by and picks up the leaves. They use to vacuum while a couple of fellow raked the leaves into the vacuum, but not anymore.

  8. WOW!!! That leaf vacuum is awesome! Wish we had something like far I've bagged half a dozen lawn/leaf bags and will do many, many more. LOVE my trees except at leaf dropping time! LOL

  9. I'm so jealous of your leaf vac. We have a huge amount of leaves and no where to put them.

  10. Wanda, I'm anxious to see your progress on the seed packet quilt. This one you show is like looking at all the cacti in bloom! We, around the corner from Wanda, are very glad to have the leaf sucker. Our yard has 6 very mature hard maple trees (at least 60 y/o) including a 40' tall black oak....there are a few trees that are younger, avg. age about 20 yrs. (5 or so of them, many are oaks as well). All these make for a very leaf-ridden yard this time of the year. Bagging would be an insurmountable task. We've blown/raked the leaves out to the streets (our property goes from street to street) twice now. It's a great reassurance having this service and a huge improvement for our city! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  11. Doesn't your quilt look delicious, makes me thing of berry jam!

  12. Just curios, do you know what happens to the vacuumed leaves?


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