
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Pink portrait...........

After the art quilters left yesterday I had a double wall available to hang the pink quilt and take the photo.  I'm glad I made it as big as it is (70.5" x 93.5").  I think I would like to do a purple one now.  With both red purples and blue purples it might be a nice mix and not boring for sure.  I like a project like a 16 patch for TV watching nights, mindless sewing.


  1. This quilt is beautiful! You did such a wonderful job matching all the squares. I look forward to seeing your purple variation!

  2. Thank you for being here every morning for a sweet start to my day.

  3. I am not a fan of pink, but your quilt is stunning!

  4. Because it's my mother's favorite color I'm always drawn to pink. I'll have to guide her to your blog so she can see this beauty.

  5. This is a very soothing quilt with all the textures of the color.

  6. So very very wonderful -- pinks have always been some of my most favorite colors/shades. Thanks for a beautiful and downright delicious start to my day!!

  7. it turned out great and yes they are easy to work on when you are watching tv

  8. That's a great design concept for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. One sixteen-patch quilt in each month's designated color. (I have RSC on the brain and keep seeing patterns that lend themselves to it.)

  9. Beautiful. It would be great in any color.

  10. Those little melt-in-your-mouth pillow mints and peppermint ice cream! Very soothing and girlie...nicely done, Wanda! And look at you, talking about doing a purple one. :) I agree with mindless sewing, it lets our creative juices bubble up while we are bit less "deep" in project thought. Have you thought of incorporating Kaffe & batiks in something like this? It's entered my mind for sure!

  11. Even though pink is my least favorite color, I admit that it's a very pretty quilt!

  12. Oh YES to purple! I love all colors, but I have two favorites, orange and purple!

  13. Pretty quilt, do you hand sew your quilts.


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